MDO2010, a ruby sword sounds very exotic along with 'silk armour' - just not sure how practical it would be
Obviously it's magical.
When in doubt, "Wizards did it."
I've got a final version rendering now with a fancy goblet and some scattered gems added (in-camera raytraced DOF, full raytracing, indirect light, caustics... this may take a while ).
Didn't quite come out how I wanted, but good enough for now. The caustics make the diamonds look like they are floating instread of sitting on a surface, not sure what I am going to do to fix that.
Sword, stand and goblet modeled in Carrara except for the interwoven guard which was made in Blender. The sword guard and hilt, fabric, stand and goblet textures were created in Substance Painter and imported to Carrara using Philemo's PBR plugin. All gem textures were created from scratch in Carrara.
Carrara native render with raytraced DOF, full raytracing, full indirect light and caustics.
In the Black Speech of Mor-Daz, the inscription reads:
Hash Tag Dforce Clothing
Hash Tag Gimbal Lock
Hash Tag Triax rigging
Aux Render Iray Look
"This ring, no other, is made by the Elves
Who'd pawn their own mother to get it themselves. Ruler of creeper, mortal and scallop,
This is a sleeper that packs quite a wallop.
If broken or busted it cannot be remade.
If found, send to Sorhed. (The postage is prepaid.)"
Bored of the Rings
Lovin the Swords and Sandals, Bunyip. A few months ago I had an Italian hero/epic movie marathon on in the background while doing some chores around the house. You have captured the spirit perfectly.
Veronika,these are excellent images. It appears I have to add Octane to my wishlist.
Post Filter(s): Glare Notes: I had fun modelling this shape in Carrara. I started with a cylinder and linked various vertices and deleted others - quite a simple process...
Thought I'd give this a shot. This one was cropped a bit post-render but no other postwork.
Trying to make a sword made out of ruby.
Obviously it's magical.
When in doubt, "Wizards did it."
I've got a final version rendering now with a fancy goblet and some scattered gems added (in-camera raytraced DOF, full raytracing, indirect light, caustics... this may take a while
Didn't quite come out how I wanted, but good enough for now. The caustics make the diamonds look like they are floating instread of sitting on a surface, not sure what I am going to do to fix that.
Sword, stand and goblet modeled in Carrara except for the interwoven guard which was made in Blender. The sword guard and hilt, fabric, stand and goblet textures were created in Substance Painter and imported to Carrara using Philemo's PBR plugin. All gem textures were created from scratch in Carrara.
Carrara native render with raytraced DOF, full raytracing, full indirect light and caustics.
thanks Vyusur et Selina,
welcome to the fray MDO2010 ;) a ruby sword who would have thought ? ;)
Selina, frosting coming along nicely - love those glitters
how can one do rubies, gems and glittery things without thinking of Boulder Dash...
Very impressive animated shaders! And gems, and ruby thingies.
Here is a bit of silliness to get my hand in. I have a couple ideas, so we will see if I can make at least one work.
In the Black Speech of Mor-Daz, the inscription reads:
Hash Tag Dforce Clothing
Hash Tag Gimbal Lock
Hash Tag Triax rigging
Aux Render Iray Look
Swords & Sandals
My Gems
01 - Native Render
02 - The Same Scene with Octane
"This ring, no other, is made by the Elves
Who'd pawn their own mother to get it themselves.
Ruler of creeper, mortal and scallop,
This is a sleeper that packs quite a wallop.
If broken or busted it cannot be remade.
If found, send to Sorhed. (The postage is prepaid.)"
Bored of the Rings
Lovin the Swords and Sandals, Bunyip. A few months ago I had an Italian hero/epic movie marathon on in the background while doing some chores around the house. You have captured the spirit perfectly.
Veronika,these are excellent images. It appears I have to add Octane to my wishlist.
here's my dollar... they do exist
Precious !!!!
there you go again Stezza, spoiling it for the rest of us by being briliant! That's just BolderDash ! Gee you must be old
wow that looks 'brilliant'
as does that one, boy you girls really do good gems
boy you really captured Bilboe's likeness ;)
more than funny Ted - has a nice ring to it...
Not quite to the plot of the movie but I went for Gollum instead.