Daz to Iray Server : Adding to queue takes too long/ File structure for queuing manually ?

MlewiMlewi Posts: 3

I have Iray server setup on a remote server that has a K80 running. I'm trying to add scenes to queue but uploading the scene takes too long and the "uploading to bridge queue" progress bar stays at 100%(I suppose it doesnt track the upload progress). Whenever I check my network usage in task manager I see DAZ using about 3.4mbps(so its about 425KB/s) but my upload speed is usually a lot more then that. So is there any way for me to track the progress? And can I increase that upload speed daz's using ?

(Whenever I hit the Add to queue this warning shows up in the Iray server's log, does it have an effect ? If it does, is there a way to fix it ?)  

[Thu, 21 Jun 2018 09:59:45] 2     287000.7831 |   1.12  MSG    net  warn : Could not set send buffer size to requested value 4194304. Limited value to 425984. Please ask an administrator to increase the system limit; see the sysctl manual or the installation manual.[Thu, 21 Jun 2018 09:59:46] 2     287000.7831 |   1.12  MSG    net  warn : Could not set receive buffer size to requested value 4194304. Limited value to 425984. Please ask an administrator to increase the system limit; see the sysctl manual or the installation manual.


Edit : I did some digging and the host I'm using seems to run on a docker image wher I can't really increase the buffer size. So can I upload them manually to the server ? I followed a user guide posted on the forum but the file structure seems to be off because I always get "Error: Could not create snapshot". So what file structure when exporting to "mi" files should I use ?

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