How to Move "My DAZ 3D Library" to another Mac drive

Read through all of the posts on this issue which are all as clear as mud and way too long to read for what seems should be straightforward.

I have too much content and it has filled my main mac internal drive. All other comments or posts are not even using the precise folder names so I will do so for clarity.

It appears that the main content folder is called "My DAZ 3D Library"  (exact spelling) 

Would I be correct if I copied this entire folder to another drive and then pointed to it from the Content Directory Manager? 

And did the same for the DIM?

(There is no way that this could be rocket science so PLEASE keep answers to less than two paragraphs - I have no time or inclination to read four pages of explaination for something that must be very very simple on mac machines.)

Thanks in advance 


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    It doesn't matter what the folder is called, but yes you can copy the whole thing across under that name if you wish and thens et it as a new content directory for at least Daz Studio and Poser formats and as the isntall destination for DIM. You would also want, in DIM, to set preferences to use the current directory for updates, isntead of the original install directory.

    The one potential downside is product updates that actually remove one or more files, as DIM will not see them and remove them in the new location.

  • 3djake3djake Posts: 8

    I would just move it and then create a synaptic link to its new location instead of changing anything in DAZ or the content manager.



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