DAZ Helpdesk


First off, I'm not sure if this is in the right place, but I can't see a forum relating to the DAZ Helpdesk.

I just have a general enquiry, if anyone can help!  How long is is normal to wait for a support ticket to be answered?  I only ask as I have had a ticket open for a couple of days now and it hasn't been updated or even acknowledged at all.

Having never had cause to use the helpdesk before, I have no idea what DAZ's usual response time is. Any ideas?





  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    Technical Support or Sales Support? Two or three days is fairly typical, at least for a human reply - however, you should have had an acknowledgement as soon as you opened the ticket, so if you didn't get that check the spam trap (and make sure you entered your email correctly if you weren's logged in when you created the ticket, ZenDesk often seems to need a click on the Log In link to fully recognise you).

  • TATSU 3DTATSU 3D Posts: 224

    It was Sales support.  I should clarify - I did get the automated response with a copy of my ticket, I just meant no updates or that 'human reply' you mentioned.

    At least I know now what is normal - I shouldn't have too long to wait.

    Thanks again Richard :)

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