Hanging Clothes on a Hook or Hanger

I'm trying to hang a lab coat on a hook on a wall, but would settle for hanging it on a hanger. I've seen lots of great tutorials on draping using dforce but I can't figure out how to accomplish this type of simulation. Not to mention my lab coat blows up less than a minute into the simulation, but that I can work around. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks in advance!
There was a free morph on one of the other sites that would “flatten” a G3F. With that, you could create an invisible “flat” character, have it wear the clothing (thus flattening the clothing), and then position the clothing on a hanger, which makes it look like it’s hanging on it. You could probably get the same effect without the morph by showing the hidden transforms on a character and setting its Z scale (or X, I can’t remember) to near zero while leaving the other scales alone. Then hide the character, but not the clothing.
Thanks rames44, I'm going to try that!
The morph I was referencing is called “Clothes Hanging Morph” (duh!) by and is over on ShareCG.
Got it, haven't tried it yet but here's the link in case it helps somebody else. http://www.sharecg.com/v/86616/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/Clothes-Hanging-Morph
Thanks again!
The method used (putting the clothing on a character and flattening the character on one axis) can be used successfully on any Genesis character. In this picture, I did exactly that, putting clothing on a G8F charcter then flattening her on one axis, then hiding her, then "hanging" the clothes on hangers. Works like a charm. Now I am going to try to use the same trick to create a rack of bikini tops and bottoms. Should be fun!
Recently I had a similar issue. I wanted to hand a non d-force jacket over the shoulder of a G8 model. I had the scene mostly built except for the jacket. My fis was to merge in another G8 figure, make them invisible, then put the jacket on them. Only the jacket showed. Then with various body shaping sliders I made the jcket look flat and draped over one shoulder.
It wasn't perfect, but choosing the right camera angle is your freind.