Creature Creator morphs not loading

Just downloaded the creature creator morphs for V4 and manually installed them into my DS4 runtime library. They show up in daz studio, I click on them, they load, and then nothing. No morphs for creature creator are showing up in my V4 figures parameters. I've tried this on both the default V4 figure and my custom figures, nothing. Any help?


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842
    edited June 2018

    Did you run the V4 initialization batch file after putting the new morphs in your content directory?

    Post edited by Leana on
  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,554

    When loading V4/M4, do you get the Power Loader dialog box? It will show all the morph packages that can be initialized and optionally loaded with the figure. The technology at the time required morph injection channels to be initialized before they could be used. If you don't get it, hold the CTRL key when you double-click V4/M4 figures (includes Aiko 4, Girl 4, Steph 4, Freak 4, Hiro 4). At the bottom, you will see an option to show the dialog in import.

    The Power loader has two tabs, Basic and Advanced. The Advanced tab has a box at the bottom to generate ExP files. Once selected, you can chose to initialize all or just the selected morph packages in the main panel above. The ExP files only need to be generated once and can be used later without the need to generate them again. I suggest doing them all once and later only load the ones you need. You can add them any at time after loading a figure by going to the Morph injection folders and adding the ones you want (if they have been generated).


  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    As NorthOf45 says, the PowerLoader is a very handy utility to have for V4. You may not have it installed if it isn't popping up when you load V4 - it is a separate installer available from your product library here at DAZ3D. You shouldn't need to initialize V4 if you install the PowerLoader, as it takes care of that.

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