DM Uninstall

I jst inadvertantly clicked unistall in Download Manager, and it uninstallled something.

I don't know what.

Is there an activity record that would tell me what was uninstalled?



  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,554

    On Install Manager, click the cog wheel in the upper right hand corner to open the settings dialog. In the bottom left corner of the dialog box is a "Show Log..." button. That will open a text file with all the install/uninstall actions that it did. If you did uninstall something, you should see an entry at or near the bottom of the list.. It will, naturally, say "Uninstalling product : yada, yada"... "Product successfully uninstalled : yada, yada"

  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 727

    Thank you!  That's what I was looking for!

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