Full Body Morph on Eg Dog 8

Hya I aquired Dog8 after Bunyip's kind destriuctions on how to get it to work.
I wondered what the best way to do a n FBm on it?
I'd jut like an easy way to make the eyes a tad lower and the skull a bit higher without having to use individual morph areas,
Also I se that setting a morph at +3 (eg) doesnt do anything more than give you the same morph as +1 - any ideas to get around that welcome :)
thanks again
regards from oz :)
the best way is to use your Carrara edited obj in morphloader in DAZ studio and save as a morph asset there
thanks Wendy :)
No problems with the mesh changing or the scale or xyz coords changing when going from Carrara to Studio?
as long as you export the dog obj at base resolution and import it the same scale
it has a developer kit figure you can convert to a prop and save to edit in Carrara too
I guess, you can encrease head size in DS with standard dial “head propageting scale”, then export the dog to *obj with base resolution. After that load your *obj file with “Power loader pro” and save it as a morph dial. Must work in Carrara.
you can try putting a larger value in the Parameter settings... click on the little cog next to the morph slider and put a biggerer value in and see if that changes anything.
thanks thanks and thanks for all the r eplies - be back tomorrow and answer properly - sorry solictors and accountants beckon
That's probably because the dial you're twiddling isn't an actual morph, it's a control dial that affects one or more other real morphs. Either or both of the real and control dials can have limits set; if you change one limit but not the other, the result is what you describe.
thanks Wendy, it's been a few days since I had a go, used the developer kit - didn't seem to work though I didn't get an exploding dog - so will have another play :) I think I clicked wrong button on morph loader section :(
OT tell me why the developer dog is different ? doesnt come with any morphs I guess?
Thanks Veronika will try that.
thanks Stezza, will try that !
ahh well! That's a new one, thanks ! How did you learn that ? (and how do I find the other control dial(s) that are relevant ? )
Other way round, the one you're twiddling is the control dial, the real parameter dials are the ones being controlled.
Look at the dial as it appears in the Parameter Tab, click on the little cogwheel icon at far right, and select Parameter Settings from the menu that drops down. The bottom half of the settings dialog has a Sub-Components section which details the body part and parameter name you need to look for.
Once you've found the parameter being controlled, open its settings dialog and untick the Use Limits tickbox.
Note that control dials can control other control dials — e.g. on the Genesis figures, the Pose Controls for Arms Front-Back are linked to the control dials for Arms Front-Back Left and Arms Front-Back Right. Both of these directly control the real parameter dials for left and right Collar and Shoulder Bend body parts.
thanks so much for that explantion - I'll have a gander!!! sorry to be so tardy in replying - thanks to everyone for their help!