White pale skin
Noah LGP
Posts: 2,617
I'm looking for a white pale skin not like EcVh0's Iray Pale Skin Shader which is pink instead something similar to the albino skin of Tyrone .
Post edited by Noah LGP on
Way cool! I want this for G8F. Wait? Why is his hair dark when he is an albino? I thought albinos have no color.
Use Tyrone, but you have to edit the material presets. I can share the material preset if you want it but I've changed it to no longer use chromatic and a few other things. If you need to go whiter, subtract color but their paleness there is partly red filters and glaring reflection from bright lights.
...because he's not an albino! He just has rather pale skin, and actually not that pale compared to some people. True albinos mostly have white hair and sometimes even pink(ish) eyes.
The default shader of Beautiful Skin Iray G8M produces a similar effect on a pale diffuse skin.
Okay thank you very much !
Tyrone Albino skin gets pink cheeks that annoy me a little.
Well the pictures of the two albinos have been edited in post. If you've ever seen albinos in person, you'd be hard pressed to tell them from a regular natural pale platinum blond except for their eyes.
With the Tyrone texture, the pink cheeks go away quite a bit with lighter close to white for 'translucency color' with translucency strength at 50% or higher and close to white too for SSS 'transmitted color'. Besides a bit of flush cheeks are a part of albinism and everybody else for that matter, even if it's not obvious.
Besides that, with your render of Tyrone those cheaks don't look excessively pinker than you'd naturally expect occasionally but if you want no flush cheeks you should buy the palest Winkler male character and the SY product.
My avatar is using that texture and when rendered in outdoor light, no surprise, it is glaring white in sunny areas.
Okay thank you, I will test that.