Export object sequence while using NLA

I want to export a few seconds of an animated genesis figure as an object sequence.
I had done this without a problem a few months ago, but when I try now, I just get an error when I try to export.
I am using an NLA clip, and not sure if that could be part of the problem. Is there a way to essentially convert that NLA clip into regular keyframes (so I keep the animation but lose the NLA in case that's interfering)?
Thanks for any suggestions.
Actually, I tried shutting down Carrara, restarting a new scene with just the genesis figure - no clothing, no animation - and if I select genesis then do File>Export>object sequence, I get the same generic error and nothing happens.
Is this feature broken?
Any workarounds?
Was counting on exporting a character as an object sequence with a small amount of animation.
in the NLA tab ,. you can "load clip data" which will let you select a clip,. to load the keyframes into the timeline.
on a quick test,. genesis fails to export as objs. could be something to do wih the figure,. since the export works with "ordinary objects"
Hey Andy -
Thanks. It's been a while since I've used Carrara and completely missed the (rather large and obvious) 'Load Clip Data' button.
Thought I'd tested something similar with genesis months ago, but could be I'm remembering that incorrectly and taht I'd actually tried with a different figure. Will go test with m4 or v4.
Quick test of M4 does let me export as obj sequence - will do some more testing to see how that works with clothes and hair. Not a perfect solution since I'd based things off of a custom made Genesis character - but should work well enough if i adjust my approach a bit.
Any idea why genesis won't work in object sequence? (I'll test on genesis 2 in a few minutes, but assuming I'll hit the same problem there)
So M4 works fine for exporting object sequence, as do various items of clothing, though I have to drag the textures back in place after I have them inside of Element 3d.
But I'm still not sure how to get a dressed and animated character into Element3D as an object sequence.
Is that possible?
If not, I can probably modify things for this particular project to use an unanimated obj file in Element3D and then cut to a rendered image sequence of animation - but would have a lot more flexibility if the actual animated object/figure could be brought in.
Thanks for half and suggestions.
[and Genesis 2 gives the same error as Genesis when trying to export object sequence]