need help for chain bone of a mechanic door.

i create au little spaceship with 3dsmax.

then i importe it in daz because i like working on i begin to build a skelleton for the ship to have bone to all animated things in it.

when suddenly i have a big problem. i create a rear big door who have a big "action pivot" on his low,then there is little arms build on it to hold his weight.

i create all the child bone door>bone pivot1>bone pivot2>bone pivot3


the problem is how to fix/lock the last bone to forbid it to move in translation ?



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    one trick people use for things like this is Point At - create an anchor bone on the door or on the base, then set the other chain to Point At the anchor. That works well for pistons but may take a bit of fiddling with this kind of arrangment; if you search we did hae a discussion with someone wanting to create the kind of thing you see on contemporary doors, to swing them shut, which would require very similar set-up.

  • keraberakerabera Posts: 130

    ok thanks.

    i trying all sort of anchor and nothing work.

    i tried with pin in animate but same result.

    and i don't found the discussion you talk about.

    in fact the simple fonction of freeze position of a bone is missing in daz.

  • keraberakerabera Posts: 130
    edited July 2018

    ok that's work.

    i made like you said with an anchor but i need to put some adjustement to work.(adjustement who must be doing in the default position of the arm,so in my case door close,arm folded)

    first: i lock all the 3 translations of every bone of that system but not with "pin translation" that's not work.i block them in every "parameter" tab by puting "use limit" in those parameter then i write 0 in max limite and 0 in min limit:


    second: i made the same thing for the rotation of all the bones but only two of those rotation. i keep of course the degree of rotation who must work. i put limit of rotation on the first bone of the big door but all the other bone must not have limit on the used axe of rotation.

    third: i put like you say a system of anchor. at the end of the arm system i put a vertical bone who is lock in translation with the "pin translation" (with the limit at zero like previously that not work) then i put exactly at his end another bone but not attache to him (this bone come from Hip) and then in parameter of anchor 1 "point at anchor2":

    fourth: to manipulate the system i just must act slowly on the rotation of the big door and that work ! it stay a little glitch at the final axe of rotaion at the end of the arm,it's seem moving a very little at a time in the movement but it's not really visible if you don't know it exist

    if i remove only one of all those setting,nothing works anymore.

    hope that will serve to other people.


    Post edited by kerabera on
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