On hiatus waiting for fixes

I probably shouldn't even be posting right now, I know better. I'm in a deep melancholy. But I think I'm done, or at least going on hiatus for a while. I'm uninstalling C8.5 and studio, and deleting my content from this comp.
This used to be fun, just start loading stuff to build a scene and in a few hours have the base ready for textures tweaks and lighting. But it's no fun now, it's a battle. Just one issue after another, this doesn't work, that wont fit, this wont load, and that wont load right. It's not his comp, this comp is slow as molasses but runs fine, had the same issues on the last one. This all worked so much better before Genesis, back when DAZ still fixed things and updated them. Hell this stuff worked better when genesis was first released then it has since the last updates.
A scene that I should have been able to set up in an afternoon has been a week of frustration, aggravation, a lot of wasted time, and still isn't even close to staged.
Maybe I'll post tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or never. Maybe I'll see you all on the forum for the next company that owns carrara, or maybe DAZ will let it wither and die on the vine. Regardless, I just can't deal with the issues, errors, frustration, aggravation, and this dinosaur of a comp just compounds that.
You all have fun with this, at least till DAZ moth balls or sells carrara. But I have had quite enough of it for a while. I'm sure DAZ corp wont miss me, after all I don't have a few hundred bucks to throw at DAZ every time the dolly flavor changes.
And the forum mods aren't going to miss my posts. One less aggravation for them.
It can still be fun......All you have to do is forget about the Genesis dolls and start making your own stuff.
Your artwork (fun) doesn't need to have pre-made content. I find more satisfaction by playing in the vertex modeler.
I recently got an idea when listening to AC/DC.....when I get time, i'm going to make an effort to make a bad-a - - steampunk train. :)
Keep at it buddy.
Blender should run ok
Wrong again Stan, we will miss you. :coolsmirk:
ManStan, you're an interesting member of the Carrara community.
I enjoy your criticisms, comments and outbursts.
We all love you as a member and have good intentions at heart for you.
Like to see you stick around.
Everyone feels in one way or another a deep frustration about the prolonged time its taking Daz to get Carrara back on track.
I am hopeful that they will.
I know nothing is certain in life but sometimes hope keeps our dreams alive.
Greetings ManStan - please stick around, you can't go!
I was just starting to like you ;)
You know, I always find that having a target to work towards gives some meaning to life.
Having a meaning in your life is a great reason to get out of bed.
Just work with what Carrara has - not with what it lacks.
If you go the forum will be a lot poorer from the vacuum you leave.
Anyway, we know where you live. You can't d ump as that easily ;)
Hey Manley Stanley, Sir!
It sure is NOT you, man. Genesis in Carrara is still a very frustrating endeavor - or at least it can be if you're trying to make it work where it just isn't right yet. But as much as I feel your pain - and sympathize with that, I also truly agree with everybody here. We need you, man!
There are some things that can be done in 8.5b with Genesis, and some things that just has to be left to generation 4 figures and their stuff - well... or Predatron's and TheAntFarm's cool figures... they work great!
Hopefully see you when you come back tomorrow.
Cheers Man!
If it makes you feel any better some of us love you for your candid comments. I would love to be able to make comments like you do to get it of my chest, so I just rant to my poor suffering wife, :)
hey Manstan you look like a tired warrior but let me say that in this world no one has ever won the battles alone. I've been working in the cg industry for 10 years but I know that I couldn't ever know how to do many things because it's not my attitude. I do also know that I'm good in doing others and I have been paid for these skills, so if something goes wrong maybe on the other side of the world someone has already solved the problem and vice versa. Civilization has been growing this way, so if you go by, our community will lose some capabilities that are missing. Mutual aid: Is not this the spirit that made unique your Founding Fathers and that allowed the birth of your nation?
I know the feeling. I have not opened Carrara or made purchase in 4 months. Mostly, I have been using Blender. Modeling and playing with the new dynamic topology in sculpting. That said I still like the concept of Genesis. I am not so sure about Genesis 2 yet.
c u in Sept. then my friend ;-)
You know me too well. ;-P
This was my escape from the stress and aggravations of life. Those rainy days when I couldn't get out I could spend hours staging a scene. When everything went smoothly I was happy. That is why you don't see many renders finished renders from me. I love staging.
I like the concept of genesis. Have I not been saying this could have and should have been done in carrara ages ago? And I think Autofit is one of the best features DAZ has introed in a while; no triax is just weight mapping ;-) But what happened to autofit? It used to work so much better before the last updates.
It just seems since the last updates to carrara and Studio I have run in to a lot of issues and errors that ether make staging a scene take a lot more time then it should, or get me so frustrating I give up on trying.
You all know I have been waiting for the dynamic clothing sim to be usable in Carrara again. Just before the issue started I was getting some nice sims. Since DAZ got it working again I can't get a usable sim. Or at least nothing that merits more then base animation rendering. I'm having issues in Studio 4 like I never had in Studio 3.
And ya, I am off till Sept when/if DAZ releases C8.5. You know I'll be on to point out everything that DAZ ether broke or just didn't fix ;-)
Take a mental break and hope to see you back on the radar in Sept. Hopefully, maybe, perhaps Daz would have resolved the issues thats been holding our beloved Carrara back.
Hi sorry man Stan, September when? Dart wrote something too.
Don't give up hope, 1.5 years after submitting that one of Ron's brush wouldn't load with the CC update.. it was fixed :)