Using Video as Environment Backdrop

I saw an iClone tutorial recently where the creator put a plane in the scene and then had a video file running on it.  Neat and super light way to create a live background for animation.  Is there any way to do something similar in Daz?  The Environment tab only seems to accept static images.  


  • JD_MortalJD_Mortal Posts: 760
    edited July 2018

    Not natively in DAZ, that I know of. Daz doesn't do animated textures and there is no internal video-codex to translate video into rendered, animated, images.

    Bottom half contains links to a possible way to do this, internally, with the purchase of a "script" tool.

    However, there are ways to do it out of daz. It would require the rendering of the individual frames, of your animation, as images instead of a video. (They would lose the alpha if they were made in a video, but you could "green-screen" the animated video.) Using the raw images, with the alpha/transparency, they can be used to create a video with another video-source as the background. You would have to google video-editors to find one that can do that, for both situations.

    Maybe one day we will find "transparent webm video" support for video options in Daz...

    On a twisted side-note, IRAY does do this, but not in daz. IRAY uses hardware codex decoders and software that windows uses. Daz just has no implimentation for rendering video into a render, that I know of, at the moment, still. (It has been asked for over and over again, as well as animated textures. There was once a plugin that did animated textures, but it no-longer works, to my knowledge. You could have used that to simulate the effect you wanted. Exporting the other video as all images, in sequence, and using the folder as an animated texture source.)

    Again, I am not sure if they still work. (Might just have been, "only works in 3DeLight", or something like that. Or it may have been fixed, and work in both 3DeLight and IRAY.)

    Post edited by JD_Mortal on
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