SAE, SR and other issues about DAZ3D product names

Hello, I have three questions about names.

1- What is the meaning of SR and Blank in "Michael 3 SR2" or "M3 Blank SR2"?

2- What is the meaning of SAE in "Vicki 3 to Vicki 2 SAE" or "Victoria 3 SAE"

3- Why Daz3D does not allow changing the name of some products, I believe these are only DAZ3D products, for example "Ainsley for V4"

Thanks in advance for any comment.




  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,853
    edited July 2018

    Hello, I have three questions about names.

    1- What is the meaning of SR and Blank in "Michael 3 SR2" or "M3 Blank SR2"?

    SR = Service Release. Daz issued a few updates to V3/M3 bases, and renamed the cr2 for each new version. In the same way, V4 had 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2 versions.

    "Blank" cr2 is a special version of a figure without morphs, intended for use in content creation.

    2- What is the meaning of SAE in "Vicki 3 to Vicki 2 SAE" or "Victoria 3 SAE"

    SAE = Special Anniversary Edition. V3 SAE was the latest Service Relase for V3, made available for V3 anniversary (as the name suggests).

    Post edited by Leana on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    You might find this thread interesting:

    Also, what do you mean with "Does not allow changing the name of the product"? Could you give a little bit more information, like, where you want to change the name, or why a change is neccessary?

  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

     "Daz3D does not allow changing the name of some products"

    I'm not entirely certain what it is you are suggesting, as BeeMKay mentioned, but insofar as changing filenames is concerned, DAZ3D does not prevent that at all, although it is inadvisable to do so without knowing the potential implications. A product like Ainsley for V4, regardless of who produced it, contains multiple files of various types for various purposes. Some of those files will reference other files included in the package by name. A good example would be the .cr2 (character) file included in the Ainsley product. That file is designed to load the entire character - morphs, textures, the works. It does so by calling the necessary files to do so. If you have changed the names of any of those files, DAZ Studio will present you with an error message indicating that one or more files cannot be found. Well, of course they can't because files by the original name no longer exist - you renamed them. You would need to go through that .cr2 file and change all the references to all the files that you renamed to the names you gave them, or load everything manually and create a brand new .cr2. There are other files that also behave similarly - they contain no actual content themselves, but pull together content for the product, such as .pz2 (Pose) files. You can usually get away with changing the name of a .cr2 file itself, since it doesn't usually have such dependencies, but otherwise be prepared for some problems. BTW, the same is true for more recent figures and the .duf and other files they use to load the products.

    So as BeeMKay alluded to, you need a pretty compelling reason to start mucking around with the file names, and only if you know what you are doing and the implications. 

  • Thanks Leana, Bee, and SixD. Now I understabnd that BLANK means without morphs, but I am not sure whether SR and SAE means the product is an imporved version, is that so?

    My question about changing names refers to the product name, not to names of specific files, I underastand that changing them will create problems. But, for instance, rather than "IGD Catalog", which is a set of poses, I would prefer to have it as, say, "V4 Poses: IGD" which allows me to look for it when looking for poses for V4 without remembering this IGD that for me means nothing. Now, when I try to change this "IGD Catalog" in the CONTENT LIBRARY, the new name is not accepted. With non-Daz products you can choose whatver name for the product.


  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    Ah, okay I think that I understand now. I'm afraid that I do not use Smart Content myself, but it seems as though there is either a custom category for IGD poses or there is a standard IGD folder named IGD Catalog into which all IGD pose sets are placed. If the latter is the case, then you should be able to edit the folder name outside of DAZ Studio using your file browser (Windows Explorer if using Windows). Now, whether that will be immediately changed under the Smart Content tab (after a refresh) or whether that will conflict with some metadata, I don't know. Perhaps someone more familiar with Smart Content will be able to offer some direction. If it is only what is commonly referred to as a "vanity folder", then changing it should be doable (although not necessarily from within DAZ Studio itself).

  • VERY late, but I was looking for the meaning of these SAE stuff too. @Usuario2007, with not being able to change your folder names: Could it be as simple that "V4 Poses: IDG" is not a valid Windows folder name? I use smart tagging by adding all tagwords as a subfolder, so I'll find it when searching, I've grouped DAZ & non-DAZ into my own folder structures, characters, poses and what not and no problems whatsoever. So it should definitely be possible what you want, but then like "V4 Poses - IDG" or so.

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