Content Disappeared from Product Library and Install Manager?
This morning I was shocked to find that all of my "Ready To Download" content was gone in the Install Manager. I checked the Product Library on my account and it was also gone except for a couple of "free" purchases going back to yesterday when I rejoined the Platinum Club.
To put it another way, all of my content before joining the PC is gone (which is thousands).
Anyone else having problems with your downloadable content?
I put in a ticket but haven't heard anything.
This was a Server hic-up when some work was done, all should be well, it took about a hour for some users.
The issue that cropped up made it so that the product library for a handful of customers weren't showing the products (and since DIM's list is based off that, the problem traveled up). We just finished restoring those and validating that all affected customers were fixed. I just double checked your product library and they are showing up again.
Ah, well, I was a big bubbling Font of miss information wasn't I. Didn't mean to be but was, I'm not afraid to note it in public either.
our Lord Jade do make a lovely Miss doesn't he? Now we jsut Have to try to get him in a dress and high heels too *smiles sweetly*
Isn't she the distant cousin of Ms Taken? ;)
yep and Aunt of MS Interpretation