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Wonderful and creative entries again!
My votes, in no particular order:
Entry #: 8
Artist: head wax
Title: New Super Hero
Entry #: 7
Artist: Alberto (Alvin Bémar)
Title: Undine
Entry #: 15
Artist: Bunyip02
Title: Super SteamPunker
Good luck to everyone.
_My Votes_
Entry #: 12
"Coffee Break"
Artist: Vyusur
Entry #: 7
Artist: Alberto (Alvin Bémar)
Title: Undine
Entry #: 6
Artist: LightofHeavan
Title: The Stirring
_Good job everyone_
I just want to thank all of those that have so far.
I would also ask, that when it is time to vote for the Bryce Render Challenge, don't forget to share the love. There are equally talented and imaginative folks that post their beautiful works ove there too!
Brycers, please don't forget to remind us when voting starts!
As usual all of the effort ya'll put into creating these images is amazing. Tough voting...but here it is
Entry # 10
Artist Vyusur
Title “Bone-tree planet”
Entry # 8
Artist: head wax
Title: New Super Hero
Entry # 16
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Title: Super Villainous Volcanic Lair
I really enjoy seeing Carrara's native tools being used in innovative ways that stimulate ideas for us all.
Well done to all participants!!!
This is getting harder and harder every single month... the standards are so high and everyone is meeting them... YIKES!
Entry #: 7
Artist: Alberto Title: Undine
Entry #: 13
Artist: Bunyip02 Title: Hairy Critter
Entry #: 10
Artist: Vyusur Title: “Bone-tree planet”
Entry #10
Artist: Vyusur
Title: Bone-Tree Planet
Comment: I could have easily voted for all three of her images. This may sound like an odd observation, but since she has overcome her illness, she has noticeably (to me anyway) upped her game. This render is the perfect example of the creative artist at work, making something aesthetically pleasing from abstract elements. And extra props for no postwork.
Entry #15
Artist: Bunyip02
Title: Super SteamPunker
Comment: Incredible monster (creative Genesis morphs) and very cool shaders.
Entry #7
Artist: Alberto
Title: Undine
Comment: I actually didn't much care for the hair on her head - but I really liked everything else! The character was nice, and the environment was awesome. Great to see Fluidos make an effective and pleasing appearance.
Also, thanks to Evilproducer for running such an interesting Challenge.

PS - need to give some props to Diomede. Creating a fully-realized character with metaballs is a helluva accomplishment!
Entry #: 8
Artist: head wax
Title: New Super Hero
Entry #: 7
Artist: Alberto (Alvin Bémar)
Title: Undine
Entry #: 13
Artist: Bunyip02
Title: Hairy Critter
HM: Entry 17
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Title: Chickenzilla the Legendary Pinup
Entry #: 7 Artist: Alberto (Alvin Bémar) Title: Undine
Entry #: 8 Artist: head wax Title: New Super Hero
Entry #: 11 Artist: Vyusur Title: “Flaming ecstasy”
Excellent work by everyone !!!!!!!
Very nice challenge... Lots of different looks...
my votes
#8 Headwax New Super Hero
#7 Alberto Undine
#13 Bunnyip02 Hairy Critter
Good Luck everyone
Wonderful entries and difficult as ever to choose just three - but in the end my votes go to:
Entry #: 7 Artist: Alberto Title: Undine
Entry #: 8 Artist: head wax Title: New Super Hero
Entry #: 11 Artist: Vyusur Title: “Flaming ecstasy”
Well done to all entrants!
Very tough decisions! All of these images are amazing. All the best to the contestants!
Entry #: 13
Artist: Bunyip02
Title: Hairy Critter
Entry #: 11
“Flaming ecstasy”
Artist: Vyusur
Entry #: 8
Artist: head wax
Title: New Super Hero
I will refrain from voting unless there is a tie.
Voting is now closed!
Thank you to everyone that submitted their work, and to everyone that voted!
I will be tabulating the results shortly.
I'm tabulating the votes per image. I am not combining all the votes an artist received for their images into one grand total for that artist, because some artists only had time to submit one or two entries and some submitted the full three that were allowed.
Please let me know if you think that I miscounted. I've tried to be diligent, but mistakes can happen.
Please note that there were a couple ties, so I am going to vote for my favorites out of the tied images. The tied images are:
#8 New Super Hero by Headwax at eight votes.
#13 Hairy Critter by Bunyip02 with eight votes.
I am voting for #13. Hairy Critter by Bunyip02. I loved both of the works. I loved Headwax's sense of motion and action. I loved Bunyip's details in his alien environment and the colors!
Vyusur tied with herself for two of her images with five votes each. They were #10 Bone-Tree Planet and #11Flaming Ecstasy. I reallly am impressed with both her works, but Flaming Ecstasy gets my vote.
So, the standings are:
1st: #7 Undine by Alberto with 14 votes.
) by the creativity that I see.
2nd: #13 Harry Critter by Bunyip02 with 9 votes.
3rd: #8 New Super Hero By Headwax with 8 votes.
4th: #11 Flaming Ecstacy by Vyusur.
I will be in touch with Naomi for Honorable Mention.
Congratulations to everybody! As always, I think the unique and creative visions that all of the artists submit are winners. I am always humbled (and a little jealous
Thanks for hosting the challenge EP
and congrats to the challenge prize winners on your entries, well deserved... and to everyone who participated.. awesome.. great works as usual and very helpfull with seeing all the WiPs..
Awards well-deserved by the winners!
Very happy to see Alberto up there. Hope he has the time to host.
Nicely done EP.

Looking forward to Naomi's announcement.
Yes EP great work in the challenge and thankss so much to
Naomi for supporting us.
W#ell a big thank you to all the Carrara Pa's as well :)
Sorry I am typing on a computer that has size 4 as its default font..
And great renders from everyone. not just the prize winners ... Albero's was especially beautifull - I must say.
And Evil Ha ha \\\\ I know where you live :) Wonderful to see Bunyip's work taking the Silver!
Good stuff, I learnt a meatball about what you can do with Carrara hair and how you can make chickes out of meatballs - thanks Ted for the lesson :)
Woohoo, tie-breaker with Headwax - I'm wrapped !!!!! Loved Headwax's New Super Hero.
Congratulations to the other Challenge winners.
Many thanks to EP as host, and to DAZ3D & Naomi for being sponsors !!!
Also big well done to all who participated, excellent work !!!!
Congratulations to all winners! Many thanks to EP at hosting.
Congrats winner!
thank you, EP, for being an excellent host.
appreciation to Daz and Naomi for generous sponsorship.
Winner should be plural, winners, but I can’t edit now for some reason
Thanks to all!
Hi all,
Naomi let me know that her pick for Honorable Mention is
#14 Catch Those Critters - Women in Jeans. By Bunyip02
Naomi had this to say about it, "I loved the humor in it, and the cute little aliens." She also said, "I'm not positive, but I think he/she may even have used one of my hair styles on the lady on the right? Or they made themselves one that is similar to mine. No matter, I just thought it was a fun idea that got across the theme well"
I will PM the winners to let them know what I need from them.
Congratulations everybody!
I'm honoured to get picked by Naomi for the Honorable Mention, but there is a slight problem - I already own all of Naomi's wonderful products !!!!
Would be delighted if Naomi has a second pick of one of the other participants who I am sure would love one of her hair items.
The lady on the right uses Naomi's Charm hair, one of my favourites that I often use.
Hi Bunyip, I sent her a message.
Congrats Kevin (EP) said, creative visions is spot on.
Contrary to the DAZ ethos at the moment.. Carrara's innovative potential is not only alive, but thriving in these challenges. In fact I see artists here doing things with Carrara that I never would have thought about doing. The art is amazing and the techniques are not just inspiring, but are actually doable. When I see the entries each month, it just makes me want to work harder and not to give up on learning some of these wonderful techniques.
Hi all!I passed along Bunyip's request that Naomi choose a different HM because he owns everything she has in her store. It should be noted her ability to connect to the forums has been problematic for her. She had a difficult time viewing the images to come up with her second HM. She was finally able to do so, and chose #10 Bone - tree planet by Vyusur. I will be sending each of you winners a private message now that we have an HM.
Vyusur, did a test of using Naomi's hairs on Misty's Janette, found the following:
These worked:- Charm, Short Shag, ShortNSassy, Long Locks, Fire and Ice, Swept Away, Diversity, 5 Times Ladies
With a minor bit of movement and scaling you can get a good fit for the angle you are looking at the figure from. Some could do with a hair cap to colour the scalp under the hair.
The others either came up with an error, or loaded but where not visible. Don't know if there is a work-around for them, if anyone knows please let us know how.
If you would like some screenshots of a few of the hairs on Janette so you can see how they look or whats needed with them let me know, will be happy to do them for you.
Many thanks to Naomi for choosing me! I am honored!
Bunyip, thank you so much for your help and your advice! I like the hair on your screenshot, it's looking awesome on Janette. So I choose this one please.
Congratulations to all the winners!!
All submissions had great tips and tricks for using Carrara. We're so lucky here!