How do they do that....
There are a couple of things I want to try in some renders but not sure how to go about it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
1) a room with a TV on and a picture on the screen. The only light would be coming from the TV. I guess the same principle would apply for a computer in a dark room, etc.
2) Looking out a peep hole. I'm thinking for my zombie novel, doing a pic where the guy looks out the peep hole and sees a zombie on the other side. I'm not sure how to get the distortion. I guess a webcam would be similar but I don't know about that either.
On a side note, I was doing some renders tonight and I would see a white line like a seam. It wasn't always and distance played a factor. For light I was only using Uber 2. Any ideas? I know UV plays a role in that but usually if it is the wrong one there will be way bad distortion even before the render. In this case everything looks fine until a render and then it depends on how far it is and so forth or seems so.
I'm tired. Sorry for the meandering here....
2.That Is done with the Camera Settings, I do not have a Fish eye lens example to share, I hope another does.
3. Most of the time that is a Render Settings Issue, set the Shading rate to .5 and see if the seams work now.
And not to forget my Area light tutorail Tutorial Uber Area Lighting: The Basics
Can DS turn an object or surface into a light emitter?
Yes see my post above yours icprncss
You can get a quick and dirty fish eye lens by turning down the focal length. Here I have it set to 10
Hey thanks! Actually for what I want to do something like that will work fine.
I may work on it some today. Yesterday I worked mainly on character creation, poses, and my Big Foot series. It always gets me laughing.
Thanks for everyone's input! It is much appreciated.
On another note, I've tried making a surface it's own light emitter before but didn't have good luck. I'll try again.
Just tossed this together in DS4.6 to show a Uber Area light at work. Only one light and its the Crystal Ball.
Very helpfull topic!
Thank you :)
If it's not too much trouble, could you post your light/environment settings.
I know I have to play around to eliminate grainy artifacts when using those lights and also have to bump up intensity.
I'm sure others would also benefit from the settings..
My tut lionked in post 2 above has all the info you need Arkathan when it comes to Area Lighting.
okie thanks. I tried it. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong still. In the one pic, it shows the image set on the screen under the Diffuse Channel.
This particular TV has it divided into TV, Stand, and Screen. I put the Uber Area Base on the Screen by select the screen in the surfaces tab and the CTRL clicking and ignoring changing the textures. I then put the picture on the Diffuse channel under the screen as shown. I turned on Ambient and set it to white also. I then adjust the intensity to like 200 and then changed the samples to 128 to eliminate the graininess on the first attempt.
But no picture on the Tube. Maybe the TV is broken. :(
D'oh! Thanks Pete!
whispers65 put the diffuse map (texture) in to the Ambient Colour Channel and try again. Also lower the Ambient Strength to 100%. TV screnn don't glow that much. :)
My pleasure Arkathan
ok here are the new results. It worked!!! I turned it down to 100% and it still may be too bright even for a big screen TV but the entire point is thanks to you I now know how this stuff works and I can play around with intensity, color, and so forth to achieve the results I want.
I really get it now.
Thank you very much for your time and effort!
You are most welcome.
You can get some funky results, probably not good for this but you could try putting the diffuse map in the light colour channel and see what it looks like for comparison. I have tried this and it depends on the quailty of the diffuse map. Yours looks quite good so it may work better.