I send object to Zbrush, make 0 changes, when I GOZ back, DAZ says the topology has changed?

FlortaleFlortale Posts: 611

I have a curtain object in my scene.  I send it to Zbrush via GOZ.  I make no changes to the curtain while in Zbrush.  Then I click the GOZ button in Zbrush.  When the curtain comes back into DAZ, Daz says, "The topology has changed", but I didn't even change anything. Anyone know how to fix this?

The mesh resolution of the curtain is set to base. I exported the curtain with export deformations and export at current resolution off.   I even tried exporting with both of these options, but still the problem persists.


Post edited by Flortale on


  • FlortaleFlortale Posts: 611

    Okay, I figured it out why this is happening, but I don't know the solution. The curtain model has ngons, basically a 5 point plane which Zbrush does not like.  So Zbrush will auto fix it, but as soon as it does that, the topology is no longer the same, hence morphing won't work.

    The only solution I can think of is to somehow make Zbrush ignore NGONS. Does anyone know if there is a Zbrush setting that lets us do that? Is there an Ignore NGONS setting in Zbrush?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Can't you fix the n-gon?

  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983
    edited July 2018

    Strange if I import an OBJ file with lets say unused vertices ZBrush pops up a dialogue and asks me about "would you like to delete unused vertices" or with n-gons something like "the mesh contains malformed faces would you like to triangulate them".

    I saw many threads about GOZ issues in the past and had my own with some items while others seems to work OK. I came to the conclusion it dosn't work with items contaning unused vertices.

    After all these years avoiding this plugin suddenly I see whats the issue with GOZ - if you are right with the n-gons getting fixed automaticly. ZBrush can ignore unused vertices but maybe it can't handle n-gons.

    Post edited by Syrus_Dante on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Actually, triangulating an n-gon should not affect the vertex count/order, just the way polygons are defined, so it should still be fine as a morph taarget. Deleting unused vertices would, obviously, be an issue.

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