Moving Morphs From V4 to G8 (with broken Genesis)

I know there are a lot of very helpful tutorials getting morphs using clones and the such from V4 to Genesis (and 2 and 3 etc) but I'm struggling... My Genesis is pretty messed up after trying (without succeeding) to get my V4 morphs to it. All I managed to do was apparently break the Genesis files.

From what I understand, my only option is to load(fix) genesis, load my morphs to that one, then convert up to 8 using V4 clones or to buy something that I don't quite understand (therefore should not mess with). Sadly, I am trying to convert several hundred morphs I made for V4 but don't work on Genesis (random spikes appearing)

Is there any 'did you try...' options that I'm missing?

My to do list:

-Ininstall/Re-install Genesis and try from scratch with the tutorials

-Spend money on a legacy to Gen3 converter

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