Digital Carvers Guild going open source

Hi folks,
It's been a long time, but I have some fun news.
I will be releasing all the DCG plug-ins I have rights to as open source. I am still working through the open source license and hosting decision, but as a first step, there is a beta for the no purchase or serial number required version of the plug-ins. More details and downloads are available at
Thank you! Good luck in all your endeavors.
That's extremely generous of you! Thank you!
And thanks for supporting Carrara (Windows and Mac) for so many years.
Thank you Eric. Very mixed feelings. I sent you a PM.
wow, thanks so much!!
I have several of your plugins, they are wonderful and indispensable for Carrara users. I would have bought them all but my personal economic limitations prevailed.
yes,as UB said "mixed feelings'
Good luck for your future projects and thank you so much for supporting Carrara !
yes it is bittersweet news as Carrara development by DAZ has ground to a halt and now it reflects the lack of interest by many others to continue to develop for it, I am hoping it may go the other way with others taking up the torch and adding to the development as we have keen Carrara users like Philemo and Alberto who can.
very kind and generous of you indeed

like Headwax I also have several of your plugins and use them an aweful lot... was only thinking the other day of maybe getting another one... so thankyou for your generosity.. wow
now to go a goo something..
When I first read the beginning of this post I thought I was mis-understanding it. Nah, stuff that cost 30 to 40 dollars being literally given away for free. I saw the download addresses and said to myself, "Well, what the heck, may as well see what this is all about"
Bingo! All the Carrara Plugins, but two, listed on the Carrara Plugins description page were included in the download file FOR FREE!!
Has Digital Carver gotten secret news that World War III is about to happen? Ha, hah
Anyways, Thanks a million for your generosity.
I have some of your plugins and like them so much, specially Terrain tools, Shader Ops, Shader Ops 2 and Shader Plus. I constantly use them.
I'll be really looking forward the sources!
Thank you!
Thank you! I wish you all the best in whatever you do. I have been very impressed with all your plugins and how you can go from an idea to a plugin has always amazed me.
Wow! Many thanks for this!
I remember the first time I found your store. It was like a Carrara candy store. I think I clicked on every page! I feel like I'm still just scratching the surface of everything the plugins I have can do.
Thank you for your kindness in making them all available. All the best with what is next.
And OSX versions are now available along with updated Windows downloads to include DCG Importer.
I uses the DCG Importer everyday, I can't live without it!
I took a fast look on your pack, I think I must download all the tutos from your site...
For ex, I don't find how to drape the "hairs" with Anything grows.
Thank you for your fabulous gift!
Thanks Eric to release these cool plugins for free, here a test with parchment and wireframe plugins, plus toon! effect. I followed the Parchment tutorial.
Thank you, @Selina and @Cellulo. Appreciate the examples and explanation very much. Reminder of just how generous it is to share these as open source.
@Selina, loving the animation. Mesmerizing. Might just sit here staring at it for a while instead of doing something useful.
Thank you very much!
Thanks. These are amazing.
Thank you Selina, brilliant as always
Kindness that makes a man shed tears..
I' have Toon Prou and Parchment which i bought ages ago. I've had DCG in my eyeballs so long and now...
Thanks very, very much
Woo-hoo, Christmas in July !!!!!!
Many thank-you's for making these available, was eyeing off most of them !!!!!
Selina, you are terrible!
Simples? Dat dere dun look like no simples, yo.
_pretty cool_``~...
And source is now available at under the LGPL 3.0 license.