Keep getting logged out

I keep getting logged out from Daz Studio website. first i thought it was my chrome browser but same thing
going on with Edge also. must be a Daz problem!


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Have you logged in on the forum site, or on the shop site?

    It sometimes helps to log out, clear the cache, and then log in on the store site, not the forum site.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Actually   the best way to log in is on the front page.    The Store adn the forum run on 2 different softwares and logging in on the front page does log you into both softwares at the same,  thus establishing a more robust sync betwee the two,  Also make she to tick the "Keep me logged in" box.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    For a very long time, I thought I had the perfect formula: start at the store, keep myself logged in, and come to the forum from there. This worked for years. Now in the last couple of days, whenever I do the same exact steps that I have been doing for years, the forum always logs me out during my first visit. Go back to the store, and hey, I'm logged out of there as well. :-/

  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    I always get logged out if I access the site or forum from two different machines. I don't know what's in the forum software that would do this, but it's fairly consistent. I also now always come to the forum by way of the store front. That seems to help.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,336

    I get logged out a couple times a day. I also have to log in on multi devises exact when I am using my iPad, then I have to log in every time i come to the forum.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,496

    I've been getting logged out many times over the past couple of days too. Like Ati, I always logged into the shop with the "stay logged on" box ticked then could come and go between the store and the forums and even restart my laptop whenever I needed to (like overnight) and normally stay logged in - just the occasional drop of connection after a few days. Since Friday it's been a continuous log in - do something - get logged out - log in again. Seems to happen most often if I refresh a page using Ctrl-F5 or if my internet connection drops briefly - which happens to me a lot as it's a slightly dodgy mobile broadband connection through the 3G phone network.

  • frankrblowfrankrblow Posts: 2,052

    Here we go again, getting constant logouts from the forum and store, even though I logged in from the front page several times.

    Anyone else, or just me?

  • This is just a setting on DAZ that can easaly be fixed but they dont bother to fix it. Good for them- i have been looged out several
    times trying to make a purchase and then not making it and finding other sites to buy stuff from...Keep it up DAZ!

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Start again from scratch.    Clear you browser cache,  clear Daz cookies, clear form and search history, clear browsing history even and download history even, if it doesn't cause you too much bother.  Close both Daz and your browser.  Restarting the computer would help as well.  Do as much as you can think of to do to completely clear stuff from your computers memory.

    Then reopen Daz from the front page,  make sure that you are signed off from there, and then sign in again, ticking the remember me button.

    I astay logged in all day having done this. I do close my computer down every night and so do need to log in again most morning,  but it is a once a day log-in.

    Some people might be surprised to find out how much stuff their computers get on them during a normal day. Cookies can be the worst,  and MS have not made it as easy as it used to be to just delete specific cookies. but keeping an uncluttered computer system does normally make it work better.

  • jake_fjake_f Posts: 226

    I've found that when I've been logged out of the forum that interupts my urge to clog the forum with honking blowharding sermons that no one is interested in.  So stop complaining and be happy about this amazing feature, even though, ok, ok, it didn't work this time.  :-)

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