aLilSideChallenge #03: theme - Caricaturesss

aLilSideChallenge #03: theme -
Exaggerated People, Animals, Vegetables, Common Objects
use carrara tools like the modifiers to distort, warp, primp meshes in the wrench/spanner room. play with scaling, weird rotations, break symmetry, break limits, etc
sharing wips appreciated
5$ DAZ GC prize + 100 DA points
challenge deadline 20th Aug, will start a separate thread for entries & open vote
da rulez,
no post work, rendered in Carrara, plugins okay
if you want to enter an ani, hosting from the tubes okay
if you want to enter ani gif, hosting from another site okay. (i usually use stash)
enter as many as you want.
A caricature is a rendered image showing the features of its subject in a simplified or exaggerated way
Post edited by Mistara on
another Misty Challenge... cool
Seeing Eye to Eye
I hacked away at Popeye ( Genesis ) with scaling arms, head & neck, moving bits and texturing. EyeGore is as bought from the Daz store by Mec4D
your Igor could be a caricature of Marty Feldman
the dude from young frankenstein ? fronk n stine
Never seen it before. My hubby's name is Igor.
If you're losing it, you know where to seek!
was dog 8 face rigged? should make intereting faces.
carnival mirror

made this using carrara wave modifier

cant remember now which modifier i used on this dih. senior moment
a caricature of a caricature inside a caricature?
3 fingered
tee hee
pretty slick sly there @Bunyip02
Used Genesis for this one.. with a touch of Aiko5 in there and also enlarged the head, gapped her teeth and shortened her legs..
I did do some post work though to give it an older style look... kinda..
Thanks Stezza, was thinking of making it more extreme but I liked that one the most.
Amelia-Aiko 5 looking great, the plane definately adds to the scene !!!!
few suggestions
3 stooges
bugs bunny and friends
cone heads, pinocchio noses
dastardly and muttly
unflateable cubes
girl 4
clothes crumpled
Great Lil Side Challenge Misty! Just in time, explanation below. But first:
Love the fun house mirror reference...reminds me of our local County Fair when I was a kid
Explode Modifier on the house, maybe?
@Stezza - love the camera angle and what you did to Popeye. Also the Amelia - bigger head, gapped teeth, shortend legs - nice caricature work.
@Selina - love the goofy face from the reflection...and the introspective question.... :)
@Bunyip02 - Great caricature work - could be a magazine cover. Love the swirling background and atmospheric perspective of the terrain. Nice.
Strangely, I have been working on a camel model the past few weeks that I wanted to 'cartoonize' and make a caricature. It's now on it's fourth iteration. There is a bit of a back story, but this is 'Clover The Camel' and he was supposed to be a simple model as a joke, but then turned more involved. Lol.
The first attempt was okay, but his head...I don't know, looked like a duckbill platypus or something. Second attempt was just a nose, not pictured. Third attempt got too high poly too quickly and was a disaster. Fourth iteration modeled today and I'm pretty happy with it as a start. My intent was to create a camel based on reference and then do exactly as this nice lil challenge asks and distort the various features to make him the 'Clover The Camel' I envisioned.
Screen grabs are from newest to oldest.
Important to note: I have no experience with caricature, so beware... :)
Edited for typos and more clarity.
A bit more progress for new Clover
Really nice work Desert Dude!
Only one thing, if you want to build a camel, your modelling work is unfinished...
mmm no exaggerated vegetables yet
Not an entry, some of the Alien critter head morphs I have tinkered with over the years.
cute caml
a camel with bad boy attitude
Thanks @DUDU! Yes, he is not finished yet - needs some toes, a tail, nostrils, eyeballs...some hair.
I plan to do some more work today.
@Bunyip02 - Those are really cool, what a great gallery of variations! Thanks for sharing.
@Mistara - Thank you. I remember Joe Camel - many of my friends used to smoke Camels. Is he still around? Oh wait, never mind, just looked him up...
OK, I know now why the majority of people confuse a dromedary with a camel: it is because of the cigarettes!
Oh -Doh! I think I get it now.
But 'Clover The Dromedary' doesn't have the same 'ring' to it.
iClone video, not an entry, but fits the discussion
Very clever @Selina.
@th3Digit - pretty cool Wendy, thanks for sharing. I'm digging that blue headdress thing!
angry claymation guy
morph of my custom claymation figure
sort of a son of Heat Miser - I am Mr. Green Christmas, I am Mr. Sun. I am Mr. Heat Blister, I am Mr. Hundred and One. Whatever I touch, starts to melt in my clutch, I'm too much.
not enough geometry around the end of the nose and sides of mouth to get the lines I want. will have to revise and resubmit.
@Diomede - Ha! That's awesome. I love the hair. Heat Miser, wow, that brings back some memories. That used to be my favorite Christmas special as a kid. It was so creative. Some of the others were as well, but that one was especially cool.
@diomede a cool Heat Miser... had to google him as I've never heard of it before...
@Selina keep them rhymes coming...
Here's one I did this morning.. modeled the jet no postwork apart from my sig.. Used DCG'sToonPro
Space Force