morphing help please


Ive constructed a figure from morph dials that Im pretty happy with but I want to tweek the body shapes a bit, beyond what I can do with dialing existing morphs.

The question is can I make a morph in hexagon, made using my new figure as its base?

Ive tried, but as I apply the morph the figure reverts to G3 female base with defects (my morph?), and winds up looking nothing like what I am after.

So, can it be done?, or do you have to use G3 as a morph base in hexagon, which seems to be impossible to tweek to what I am after.



  • If you send the shape to Hexagon and adjust it, then send it back you should end up with a morph that is just your changes, as far as I know. You don't want a single combined morph as you would then lose and correction morphs that are triggered by posing or other shapes, and you would not be able to share the composite morph should you wish to.

  • Thanks for the reply, appreciated.

    When the morph is exported daz asks if you want it as a morph. I enter yes and I get a slider named whatever I called it.

    Problem is that when I turn the new morph dial in daz the figure reverts to the base G3 (with a corrupted figure from the morph), and not the figure I sent to hexagon and tweeked - I hope that makes sence!

  • For some reason I've had trouble using hexagon for this purpose, so I use Blender instead. Here's a good tutorial:

  • Thanks for the reply, appreciated.

    When the morph is exported daz asks if you want it as a morph. I enter yes and I get a slider named whatever I called it.

    Problem is that when I turn the new morph dial in daz the figure reverts to the base G3 (with a corrupted figure from the morph), and not the figure I sent to hexagon and tweeked - I hope that makes sence!

    Do you have the shape applied? The morph you create will only be the the changes you make in Hexagon. I'm not sure how applying a morph could suddenly clear all other morphs (it would at least take some fancy ERC-coding).

  • Thanks

    Im not certain what you mean by "applying the shape", I send the figure that I want to modify to hexagon from daz studio, and it appears as the correct shape there.

    I then tweek the figure until I get what I want, and then send it back to Daz studio.

    Daz Studio then asks if I want it to be a morph, and I select yes and I get a dial named whatever I call it.

    Then if I turn the dial, supposedly to apply just the morph, the figure reverts more and more to the base G3 figure, and I loose the origional figure before I sent it to Hexagon- does that make sense?

  • Hmm, well the description is clear - but I've no idea why it would happen like that. Please try exporting the modified shape as OBJ from Hexagon, then use Morph Loader Pro to bring it in as a morph (click the Select Files button and find the OBJ, check the preset is set to Daz Studio I would think, then in the lower section click the triangle next to the OBJ name to expand options and turn Reverse Deformations on by right-click).

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