Using standard clothing items with dForce

Has anyone had any luck using dforce with regular clothing items? I've tried a few with mixed results, but the worst problem I'm having is I'll actually crash not only Studio, but my Nvidia Driver as well. Is there a process that I need to follow such as exporting it and reimporting it as an obj, maybe? 


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,686

    You can often use dforce on standard clothing, but it is dependent on how it is modelled.

    Some items might fall apart, while other migth explode. To avoid that you can exclude part of the clothing from the simulation, either as seperate items in the surface tab or by making a weigth map for dforce influence.

    Mada has a video on YouTube:


  • Thanks. I'll check it out.

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611

    I've had some good success with quite a few pieces using that very video. It does take a lot of trial and error and playing with the settings, primarily the ones found under the Surfaces tab. 

  • grinch2901grinch2901 Posts: 1,246

    Seems to me that dForce really doesn't like clothes that have thickness to the hems / sleeves, etc.  I often turn off self-collision in such instances (it's an option in the surfaces tab) and hope that it will help it ignore the problems this causes the calculations. That sometimes works, not always though. More and more I'm embracing dForce but I still keep VWD on my machine because while it's clunky and far less integrated / user-friendly it handles thick clothing and clothing with attached adornments effortlessly. 

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