PostgreSQL CMS Connection

I just got a new Macbook pro and migrated all my stuff on the new computer (from another, 1 year old Macbook Pro).

Everything works out fine except DAZ, I got the dreaded "PostgreSLQ CMS connection could not be established" message.

I have no idea what it is or what to do.

I have looked within past answers on these boards, NONE was helpful!

Is there a simple way to fix this that does not assume that I am computer litterate?

I would appreciate any help.    

Thank you ;)


  • Have you in fact installed PostgreSQL? had you copied the /Daz 3d/cms/ContentCluster folder from the Application Support folder on your old machine to the new - if so make sure you have read/write permissions for the folder.

  • TouristTourist Posts: 108

    I did not install nor copy PostgreSQL specifically.

    All my files were copied onto the new computer, there is a PostgreSQL CMS folder in my Applications/Daz 3D folder on the new machine.

    Should I do something with it?

    How do I get the permissions you mentioned for the folder?

  • So you copied the applications over, rather than reisntalling on the new system?

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,315

    If your doing your installing with DIM just look for PostgreSQL and install it. If it's already installed uninstall it and reinstall. As Richard said did you just copy over DS to the new system or did you install it?

  • TouristTourist Posts: 108

    I just copied evetyhing on the new computer, I did not re-install anything.

    Where would I find PostgreSQL to install it?

  • TouristTourist Posts: 108

    I clicked Download and Install through IM but cannot see it in there and I still cannot access my stuff in Daz.

    I get the same message about the PostgreSLQ CMS connection not being established.

  • TouristTourist Posts: 108

    I uninstalled and reinstalled PostgreSQL but nothing has changed, I cannot access my content nor connect Daz online.

    There is a tab in Smart Content that reads Start CMS but clicking it does nothing.

    Am I better off uninstalling all of Daz and DIM and reinstalling everyhing from scratch?


  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,315

    You probably need to uninstall Daz Studio and reinstall it then install the PostgreSQL

  • TouristTourist Posts: 108

    You mean uninstall everything right?

    How do I proceed to do that properly?

    I have close to 2000 products and several manually installed files, will I need to reload everything from scratch?

    It is astonishing to me that every other piece of software I own made it to the new computer easily except Daz.

    There's always a problem and it doesn't seem like anyone here can help me.

    I have followed every suggestion in this thread but the problem persists.

    Who else can I contact?


  • You shouldn't need to touch the products, at worst - once Ds can communciate with the database - you might need to reimport metadata. Just to be clear, at this point you are still getting the Cannot connect alert when you start DS?

  • TouristTourist Posts: 108

    Hi Richard, yes I still get the same alert.

    Any advice on how to uninstall Daz?

    What about DIM, there is a DAZ3DIM 1 Remover in my files, should I use it?


  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,315

    How did you install Daz Studio? Manually or with DIM?

  • TouristTourist Posts: 108

    I think the first time it was manually but later versions were downloaded through DIM.


  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,315

    Did you install it onto the new computer or just copy everything over?

  • TouristTourist Posts: 108

    I just copied everything over.

    The only thing I tried to reinstall on the new computer is PostgreSQL following the advice in this thread.

    It didn't help.

  • Do a proper install of DS then, copying may not have worked at all (application folders are often protected, though I'm not sure how Macs work in that respect) and there are also settings to be initialised. The applications, plug-ins, and some shaders and scripts (those that require elevated privileges for isntallation) should all be isntalled fresh rather than copied, if only as insurance.

  • TouristTourist Posts: 108

    I reinstalled Daz (mac 64) and DIM (Mac 64) and PostgreSQL but it's the same thing.

    I get the same message as before.

    Where can I get help about this?

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  • TouristTourist Posts: 108

    Thanks for trying to help but I opened a ticket with DAZ.

    Hopefully we'll somewhere.

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