Please help with Daz3D Forum webpage issue: upload image fail [SOLVED]

john_antkowiakjohn_antkowiak Posts: 334

Hi. I don't know if this is the right place for this question, but I hope someone can answer it. And maybe others are having trouble too? I've been trying to post images to illustrate my questions. This hasn't been an issue until a few weeks ago. I understand there's a file size limit of 10MB and a maximum pixel dimension s well although I can't remember what it is. Could someone remind me please? I submitted a Help ticket for this, but all the person did was try sending a message to the website people. That added nothing to the conversation except to verify the limits already quoted. Sometimes I'm able to upload a screen capture .jpg wthout problem; sometimes not. (Like now, for example.) But I cannot upload a render .jpg for the life of me, no matter how small I make it. I click "Attach a file" and then "Choose File." I select the image I want. The status bar at the bottom of my screen (I use the latest Google Chorme although I also tested this in MS Edge and Firfox with identical results) gives a percent-complete. I've seen it reach 100% before the message changes to, "Waiting for" and then -

Nothing. No thumbnail appears. It's as if I didn't go through any of that process.

What's going on? Am I the only one?

catwoman caper test 06.jpg
2000 x 1125 - 2M
batgirl cowl test.jpg
2560 x 1440 - 979K
1600 x 1200 - 2M
Gorilla Grodd.jpg
1600 x 1200 - 754K
Flash pose.png
847 x 591 - 195K
Render Settings Advanced.jpg
411 x 463 - 35K
Post edited by john_antkowiak on


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    I am seeing 6 attachments at the bottom of your post, so am not sure I am understanding your problem.   BTW  2m  is the max file size for the forums,  not sure where you got the other figure from, unless they were thinking you were querying about the Galleries.   for images in the forum  the accetped formats are .jpg  .png and ,gif

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    Hi. I don't know if this is the right place for this question, but I hope someone can answer it. And maybe others are having trouble too? I've been trying to post images to illustrate my questions. This hasn't been an issue until a few weeks ago. I understand there's a file size limit of 10MB and a maximum pixel dimension s well although I can't remember what it is. Could someone remind me please? I submitted a Help ticket for this, but all the person did was try sending a message to the website people. That added nothing to the conversation except to verify the limits already quoted. Sometimes I'm able to upload a screen capture .jpg wthout problem; sometimes not. (Like now, for example.) But I cannot upload a render .jpg for the life of me, no matter how small I make it. I click "Attach a file" and then "Choose File." I select the image I want. The status bar at the bottom of my screen (I use the latest Google Chorme although I also tested this in MS Edge and Firfox with identical results) gives a percent-complete. I've seen it reach 100% before the message changes to, "Waiting for" and then -

    Nothing. No thumbnail appears. It's as if I didn't go through any of that process.

    What's going on? Am I the only one?

    Nope you are not the only one, several people have mentioned this in different threads, its annoying sometimes when you upload the image the thumb won't appear but when you post the images do appear can be very frustrating.

  • john_antkowiakjohn_antkowiak Posts: 334
    edited August 2018

    Well thanks, webpage, for making me look stupid!  :P

    After I posted the images, I still couldn't see them, until Chohole posted his reply. So let's try this...

    Do you guys see images there too? Because I still don't... Sixth from the bottom.


    Post edited by john_antkowiak on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited August 2018

    I don't see any images on that one.   Were the attachments within the limits I gave you,  ie under 2mb and in .jpg, .png or .gif format?

      BTW Chohole is female

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • john_antkowiakjohn_antkowiak Posts: 334
    edited August 2018

    I'm really on a roll here, embarrassing-mistakes-wise. Sorry, Chohole. I was having a discussion with Jamie Olsen of the Daz Help Desk. He (she?) told me that "Pixel size limit is 2000 x 2000. The kb size limit is very generous at 9999KB" but later said it was "either 8 MG or 10 MB" with the implication that the information came from one of the "forum mods." So at that point I was thinking it's a pixel-count issue and I did a series of size reductions. None of them posted. The smallest version that failed was 1600 x 988, at 1.46 MB. (The original was 1500 x 2427, 4 MB.) Compare that to crikett's attachment on that thread, three down from mine. 4196 x 2360, 4 MB. Am I wrong on that?

    Post edited by john_antkowiak on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited August 2018

    It doesn't actually say 4mb,  it says 4M  

    I really don't know what is going on with that thread, because this image also has the same impossible figures attached to the thumb,  but that actual image is much smaller

    And there are 2 sets of Mods,  Forum mods and Gallery Mods.   The Gallery has different rules.    Here in the forum We have always been told  it is 2kx2k pixel wise, redueced to 800wide please, using the image tools if you want to add it as in line image   and 2mb as kb size.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • True. You say tomato, I say tom. I think that's a distinction without a difference  :)

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Well I just downloaded one of those images that say 4M and it downloads as 1.6mb on to my PC

  • Now, THAT I didn't try :)   Hmmm... what else would 4M mean? I still can't figure out why my image wouldn't post there no matter how small I made it. But I don't expect you'll know that either. I'll try again over there, and consider this solved for now. Thank you for your patience, Chohole!

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