Creating 3D Assets

What do people use to create various assets for DAZ and Poser?

Do you use the same sofware to create clothing as you would a building or a tree?


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,599

    yes if it's Blender no if it's Marvellous Designer

    some softwares do many things others like the latter is specifically for clothing 

    you can certainly make everything in something like Wings3D too, it just takes a bit more work

    people pretty much use everything, some use Autodesk 3D studio Max others Blender or Hexagon or even Carrara, Rhino, Modo, Zbrush 

    and the results can be just as good regardless of what they use

  • grinch2901grinch2901 Posts: 1,246

    For modeling structures and props I use hexagon. I recently installed B for Artists which is a reskin of Blender to make it more user friendly (less hotkey dependant, more GUI based) and want to learn that but so far still mostly haxagon. Especially now that there is a 64 bit beta that is about 99% stable as oppsed to the 50/50 stability I had before with Hex. For clothing you can't beat Marvelous designer but it's a bit pricey, even the monthly subscription fee adds up. but it's easy and makes fantastic stuff.

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