Basic File Management

I have Daz on my system in the location it defaults--I've installed everything using the install manager with no modification to the default settings. This puts it in the Public Documents folder.

Suppose I have a folder in Documents (in my user) with all my scenes, imported props (I model props), clothing I've created, and presets for characters I made with, say, Genesis, using lots of DAZ morph dials. My scenes also have morphs applied from the Genesis morph dials, even including fancy Genesis morphs from packs I've bought and were installed in Daz through the install manager. This folder is mapped in the Content Directory Manager and things work just fine. Let's call this directory "Bob Content". The key piece of information about Bob Content is that I'm saving scenes with a DAZ figure's morphs in it.


1. Should I do it this way, or is there a recommended place to put stuff I've created so that it migrates easily to a new computer?

2. If I do migrate to a new computer, are there additional steps I need to take besides copying Bob Content to the new computer's Documents and reinstalling DAZ?

3. When you save a scene that includes your own morph dial settings, is there a place besides the .duf file where data is saved? There must be, because when I've migrated computers before, I've lost all the morph dial settings for a figure I saved in a folder of my own--when the scene is loaded, I get errors that they can't be found.

4. I also rig figures that I sculpt. All of that migrates just fine and seems to be completely independent of the DAZ install. I can just move the folder, map it with the DAZ Content Directory Manager and resume working as if nothing happened. Can't do that with a folder that includes stuff I created with a DAZ figure.

I know this is basic stuff, but any help is appreciated.





  • 1. This is fine

    2. For content that was in a content directory all paths in the saved files will be relative - they will just record the location within the content diectory, not the location of the content directory itself - so those will work on a new PC even if the content directory location is changed; that's why store content and freebies work. If you had files that weren't in a content diectory (e.g. textures from your image editor saved to the Pictures folder) then those will have absolute paths, starting with the drive name/letter, saved and will break if the files are not in exactly the same place.

    3. No, settings are saved in the file. If you mean your own custom morphs, those were, in older versions of DS, written to the Data folder in the first Daz Studio content Directory and so could be lost if that wasn't included; recent builds of DS do not do that, the asset files are embeeded in the saved file if they were not saved as assets.

    4. That's really referring back to 3, and shouldn't be happening as long as the content is isntalled on the destination machine.

  • Thanks--that's a relief. That allows me to go forward on a project with confidence that I won't lose it when I upgrade.

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