Tally! aLilSideChallenge #03: - Caricaturesss

Tally in!
aLilSideChallenge #03: theme - Caricaturesss
24h August 2018
5$ DAZ GC prize + 100 DA points
Thanks for participating!!
Post edited by Mistara on
#4 - Angry Claymation Guy
aLilSideChallenge #03: theme - Caricaturesss
Please vote for your 2 favorite images
Please vote by posting the image #s
Vote open til 24h August 2018
Thanks for participating!!

#3 and #1 :D
tough one. all clever.
#1 and #5
#1 the Marty Feldmen lookalike had me guffawing - so much so I didn't even see Popeye
and #5 was pretty sly :)
loving the hair in #4 - wonderful and wiry much like my own ...
#1 and #5
Did Marty and Sly ever appear in the same movie? Good ones, Stezza and Bunyip.
#4 and #5
spreading the love
#1 and #7
#1 and #4
#1 and #7
#4 - Angry Claymation Guy
- lol
#3 - Make it So
- lol
no camel?
i enjoyed all the entries. Thanks so much for giving time to this.
# 3 & # 6
#4 & #5
I'm so sorry, I planned on finishing it over the week end but a strange set of events started Saturday evening and lasted until Sunday evening keeping me from the Carrara realm.
I'm with Diomede !
Number 1 and 5!
thems the votes,
time to tally ...
Challenge haz a tie !!
Stezza for #1
Bunyip02 for #5
Please check your PMs for GC info.
I'll need your DA page links to send your DA points prize.
Thank you everyone for participating in the wip thread and entries and for voting !
Congrats to Stezza, well-done to Diomede, many thanks to the voters.
Misty, keep the amount for the GC and buy yourself a coffee, or make a donation to a charity that you love - enjoyed your Side Challenge, also have enjoyed all the work you did on G3 and G8, many thank-yous !!!!!!
EDIT : Just checked my messages, that was quick Misty.
Congrats Stezza and Bunyip.
Love the idea of the side challenges, but would try to submit something even if there were no gift cards.
EDIT: as a non-winner, maybe my opinion on that is not relevant?
ya sure about the gc?
lotsastuff in store under 5 moolas
thinking up topics is fun
Very sure about the GC Misty, buy yourself something nice !!!!!!
I've just logged on and
I concur with @Bunyip02
it's awesome but I would also like you @Mistara to use the GC to get something for yourself.. you deserve it

I don't know what DA points are or what you do with them but you can have them as well
these side challenges you run are great and fun just to enter and you do a great job running them ( can't wait for the next one )
Thanks to those who voted my image and well done @Bunyip02
well ... i'll save the gc for the next challengem
plinthary plethora of plinths
Congratulations Mistara - and what a wonderful job you are doing