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No worries. I just want to make sure people aren't misconstruing what I'm doing here.
I will certainly do some female ones based on my Elizabeth 2 figure.
I mean, you can always use an HDRI position map to transfer morph data to another figure. All you'd have to do is project the UV map from one to another. Easy peasy, except that I haven't released that technology yet because I'm frankly not sure how to present such an app.
A few more.
Identification list:
Llort, Babylon 5; Mitch Mc... I mean, err... Lugal-Irra-Kush, Doctor Who; Lurian, Star Trek; Magog, Andromeda; Mak'Tar, Galaxy Quest (metafictional); Mangalore, The Fifth Element; Mank'Nar, Galaxy Quest (metafictional); Marshman, Doctor Who; and uh... someone said I should be sure to make a Martian and I was like "which kind of Martian? There are a tonne!" and they were like "any Martian, doesn't matter." So...
I'm dying now. XD
Eh, may as well make a few more tonight.
Identification list:
Menoptera, Doctor Who; Minbari, Babylon 5; Nestor, Battle Beyond the Stars; Nightsider, Andromeda; Ogron, Doctor Who; Pan-Babylonian, Doctor Who; Pau'an, Star Wars; Remulakian, Coneheads
Hahahahaha! The Martian!!!!
I would've just used the transfer utility to transfer the morphs and then use the geometry editor to remove stuff I didnt need or stuff got messed up.
I bought the Lunar Guard Outfit (G3F) this morning. Now I'm attempting to add the Star Trek uniforms to it, but I'm not sure how to do it. The only files in the ST download are jpg images.
You should just be able to load the bodysuit, and then under "surfaces" add the jpgs to the diffuse and opacity channels.
Could you show a screenshot of those channels? I'm not seeing them.
Calling out to the great hive mind for some help here. The images below come from a ship design I did for my comic. The design was inspired by some Star Trek concept art that I saw somewhere several years ago. My problem is that I would like to update the look since my skills have improved since last I did the design. My problem is that I can't seem to find the concept art that inspired it. I'm thinking it was a Matt Jefferies concept but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I either saw it in a book or a blog. I'm mainly interested in the primary hull (hammerhead). Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks!
No. That use of my creations is not permitted.
It was only a suggestion. And according to you, it's not possible anyway.
I don't remember seeing anything quite like that. Star Wars has hammerhead cruisers, though without that ring in back.
If you're sure it's Trek, maybe there's something on that "Ships of the Line" poster that will help:
I'm quite sure it was Star Trek-related as I tend to collect a lot of ST magazines and books. I used to follow a blog by Jefferies I think and it listed some of the concepts he had but never went forward. So I doubt it would be on that ships of the line poster.
A lot of Jefferies' unused designs ended up being used later, for alien ships, future ships, historical ships, etc. One of his concepts for the Enterprise was based on a manta ray; it was later used as a Klingon ship. If it was posted on his blog, though, it's probably gone, since he died almost 20 years ago.
Your best bet might be TrekCore. They have a gallery of Matt Jefferies concept sketches. I didn't look through all of them; there are over 300.
Thanks. That helped eliminate Jefferies as the artist to the concept. Now I just need to figure out who actually did it.
Took me long enough but I finally found it. It was a John Eaves design that was on his "Eavesdropping" blog from May of 2009. I could've sworn I saved the image somewhere. Here it is. Now to figure out how to recreate it.
A few more.
ID List: Retepsian, The Orville; Reman, Star Trek; Romulan (northern), Star Trek; Romulan (southern) and Vulcan, Star Trek; Saurian, Star Trek; Scarran (ruling caste), Farscape; Sensorite, Doctor Who; Silurian (type 1), Doctor Who; Silurian (type 2), Doctor Who; Sycorax, Doctor Who; Talaxian, Star Trek; Talosian (TOS), Star Trek; Talosian (Discovery), Star Trek; Tellarite (hybrid of TOS and Ent with room for Discovery tusks to grow through too), Star Trek; Tenctonese, Alien Nation; Fascinator (AKA They), They Live!; Togruta, Star Wars; Umbrite, Andromeda; Unas, Stargate; Vorta, Star Trek; Vree, Babylon 5; Wookiee, Star Wars; Wraith, Stargate; Xelayan, The Orville; Zabrak, Star Wars; Dann's Species, The Orville; Grig's Species, The Last Starfighter; Mog, Spaceballs
Those are incredible! It's Neelix! And a Talosian. And a Tellerite. And Mog...
Dodger, those are unbelievably awesome!!
I got your Edosian and am eagerly awaiting the Caitian and the rest of these guys to appear in your account at ShareCG.
BTW, are there any plans to do Aurelian/Skorr and/or Vedala figures also from TAS?
Slowly been porting all the 'Trek models I've scored over the past few months to G8. Here's a look at the Picard model I scored last week or so and a couple of Klingons. The source of the models was Scopely Games.
For the record it's a trend that has been on the rise over the last year or so. Several people in my circle have been using a retopology software called Wrap3 to convert game characters to the G8 figure. I mainly decided to focus my efforts on the Star Trek characters since the others were doing Star Wars.
The Klingon on the left looks like Jon Brion.
I think the ingame model's name has him listed as W'Tolen. But most of the Klingons are based on Klingons we've seen (despite being Kelvin Timeline) so. At present I have, Kruge, Gorkon, Krass, Chang and Azetubr.
Man, those look great.
A couple more conversions.
It would be great to see the original Pike, Jeffrey Hunter.
I've looked everywhere for the 3D&D Klingon on ShareGC, but have come up empty handed. Was it taken down? Thanks!
Yes, I've just discovered Wrap3 models this week. I only know you and one other using it though. Is it difficult to learn? Do you need to own the game you're aquiring the models from? (I assume so). I'd love to have a go at it myself!