Carrara Won't start and Help Desk cant figure it out.

Good Day all,

It looks like I will be leaving Carrara for the long term as my computer will not run Carrara after the 1803 patch I got in May.

Since then I have had the helpdesk try to figure it out but to no avail so It looks like I will not be able to have it work unless the next windows 10 update magically fixes it, or Carrara 9 is released which it does not sound like is anytime soon.


So here are the steps I have taken so far if there is anything anyone can think of short of reinstalling windows I am willing to consider it.

So to recap what has happened.

I have had Carrara 8.5 pro running since 2012 with no problems.

I have transitioned from Windows 8 pro to Windows 10 pro with no problems. 

Approximately the first week of May my windows 10 pro computer updated to 1803 version.

It immediately shutdowns before it initializes, This caused me to not be able to run Carrara 8.5 latest release.

I updated drivers for all devices on my computer. -  no change

I tried running it in compatibility mode as well as administrator -  no change

Checked the forums no one else has had this problem yet.

Uninstalled Carrara using DIM, removed all folders for carrara anywhere on my hard drive.

Used ccleaner to remove registry items that may have been left over.

Restarted the computer

Reinstalled Carrara using DIM - no change

Uninstalled again and cleaned registery and folders.

Uninstalled daz studio cleaned registry and folders.

Reinstalled Studio and it still runs no problem

Reinstalled Carrara from DIM still won't start.

Uninstalled again and removed folders and registry cleaning again.

Installed the downloaded version- still will not work.

Uninstalled again removed folders registry clean again.

Install the 32 bit version still same issue.

uninstall again clean registry and delete all foldersupdate drivers again.

I tried to install the version form 2012 which I have on disk and still now change. 

The only thing that changed was the windows update so not sure what else to try. 

The same 2012 version works on my daughters computer on windows 10 1803 

My machine is  i7 4790k liquid cooled,32Gb RAM,Dual AMD R250 video cards,256 GB SSD for the C drive, The SSD has 55Gb open.The E drive is a 4 Tb HDD this is where Carrara is located and my user files are redirected to.  
I believe this covers everything. 


Suggestions welcome.



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618

    maybe contact Microsoft 

    am so sad to hear this and worry about the future for all of us broken heart

  • 3drendero3drendero Posts: 2,027
    Probably not this, long shot, but if you ever enabled the new ransomware protection feature (controlled folder access) in 1803 or the previous version, it may interfere. Check the "off" setting here.
  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    Windows Defender is not on as I have symantec antivirus.

    I have also tried disconnecting from teh net disabling the AV and then running it but it does not fix anything either.

    I will try again to see what occurs.

    Thanks for the suggestion.

  • 3drendero3drendero Posts: 2,027

    The new ransomware protection feature (controlled folder access) is probably independent of Defender, since it locks folder access for all apps except Microsofts own.
    It interferes with all apps, but if you never touched it, it is probably in the default off setting. And you get error messages when apps are blocked.

  • 3drendero3drendero Posts: 2,027
    edited August 2018

    Tried to look at new Windows 10 1803 features that may in theory interefere, but the list is looong...

    Are you familiar with the Event viewer in Windows, that can show all the errors that Windows logs?
    You can open Carrara, let it crash, then create a custom filter to check all logs for the last 5 minutes. You may find a hint of what the cause is...

    Another long shot, have you updated the AMD graphics drivers?
    A new 1803 feature allows selecting 1 of many GPUs to run a specific app, another theoretical conflict.
    This new feature:

    Post edited by 3drendero on
  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    In one of the threads Dart said that if Carrara wouldn't start, in most cases it's because of some installed addons. He advised to remove installed plugins one by one trying to run Carrara after every removal.

  • MerKhrysMerKhrys Posts: 89
    edited August 2018

    I'm running Carrara 8.5.1 Pro build 19 64b on windows 10 Pro 1803 and it works fine. The account I'm using has no administrator rights, but it works also with the administrator account.

    My machine is i7 6900K, 32 GB RAM, only one drive (SSD 512 GB) and video cards are 2 nvidia titan x. My antivirus is bitdefender.

    I suppose you've tried cleaning your user files too ? ("E:\Users\sys\Documents\DAZ 3D\Carrara 8.5" in your case). Maybe check the "public" folder too ("E:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D").

    Just for testing purposes, you could try creating a new windows 10 local account keeping all the basic/default settings and see if you can run Carrara.

    Hope it helps.

    Post edited by MerKhrys on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited August 2018

    try deleting the local/roam app files that holds the preferences?

    not sure uninstall deletes this file

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    Chickenman wrote: "Approximately the first week of May my windows 10 pro computer updated to 1803 version.

    It immediately shutdowns before it initializes, This caused me to not be able to run Carrara 8.5 latest release."


    Can you explain this in more detail?  Is the 1803 version now fully initialized?

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,251

    Does Carrara run in windows safe mode?

    maybe a faulty video card or a faulty RAM stick could be the culprit.

    i couldn’t get Carrara to run with an AMD video card a few years ago, changed back to nvidia and no probs.. 

    I’m guessing it’s a hardware conflict. 

    Hope it gets figured out for you.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited August 2018

    Good luck Chickenman - the fact that it runs on other computers with same windows update does suggest a hardware (or driver) conflict as the Stezza said.

    Post edited by Headwax on
  • VIArtsVIArts Posts: 1,517

    Do you the number of the update that screwed it up? can you uninstall it?

  • Persona Non GrataPersona Non Grata Posts: 1,365
    edited March 2021


    Post edited by Persona Non Grata on
  • MerKhrysMerKhrys Posts: 89

    Try to remember if there were other modifications (new software / hardware) you made on your computer around the time the problem started.

    Are there any other apps having problems ?

    You could also check windows event viewer (events occurring when you launch Carrara).

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    mebbe is the carburetor laugh

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    are you running as administrator?

    my core8 is running win10.

    i have carrara installed on a hard drive partition.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Oh can you run it in safe mode? Long shot.

  • MerKhrysMerKhrys Posts: 89

    Hi chickenman,

    Did you manage to make it work ?


  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    Good evening all,

    It still will not work.

    I have watched the event viewer wich I am Familiar with from work and there are no events logged unless I start either Studio or DIM and then Postgresql is already running then it indicates that information logg that postgres is already running.

    I have tried another video card NVidea K2000.

    I have uninstalled Carrara, Studio, Postgres again removed all folders then ran ccleaner on the Registry to remove any remenants there as well. restart the computer and confirm ther only thing DAZ is DIM.

    reinstall Postgres and then Carrara then Studio, Using DIM also install default content.

    Confirm with Studio that Postgres is showing the content.

    Exit studio and try Carrara.

    I have tried to roll back and still the same.


    On the screen all i see is a flash of it trying to start up but then is disapears. In task manager it does not even get registered it is up for so short a time.


    The only thing I can do now would be to reInstall windows 10 and all my programs if I still have the downloads/disks. This is something that I currently do not have time for and am getting tired of trying to get it to work.


    I now have 3D Coat so I will see what I can due with that but I will miss Carrara as it is a tool I was finally getting capable at parts of. Studio Now is to confusing from when I first used it way back on version 1.2 and up to 212 when I got Carrra.

    My Daughter Has Maya from College which she just graduated on Friday. So I may be working with that for then next bit when I have time.


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618
    edited August 2018

    I feel so sad for you

    as I said I experienced it briefly once reinstalling  Vista on my laptop

    in that case it was indeed OpenGL

    I cannot imagine not being able to use Carrara it would devastate me

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    hmm bad news... I wonder if you could set up a windows 7 (eg) virtual machine to run inside windows 10 (I know nothing about it)


  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    Appreciating your long-time experience and history around here,

    I haven't seen one idea mentioned that haunted me at one point:

    There are two preference files that can survive across (re) installations in:

      C:\Users\==you==\AppData\Daz 3D\Carrara 8.5\

    CompPrefs.txt and Preferences.txt

    Perhaps you can move those to a safe place and try Carrara without those settings files? Maybe get rid of the stuff in both 'news' folders in that same location as well?

    If that doesn'thelp, might I meekly suggest trying (yet) another fresh Carrara install, but using the EXE Carrara installer that you would manually download via your DAZ product library web-interface (not DIM), and try installing it in a non-windows-controlled location/folder (e.g. not on C:\Program Files\ or C:\Program Files x86\), even if simply to verify that the folder and contents looked OK and that you weren't fighting windows and its idea of what 'malicious software' might be? - just to see if things 'look right' and if it will start at all? - I would probably do that same clean-up routine you described above (e.g. ccleaner, etc.) before trying the manual installation approach...

    In my context, Carrara will run on both win10 (version just pre-1803) and win7 current. Both x64 machines, have Intel I7 chips, 16G, and modest GT760-class nvidia cards. Drivers are probably current, but I don't 'fine tune' my systems in any special way (auto-update and hope...).

    good luck,


  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202
    mindsong said:

    Appreciating your long-time experience and history around here,

    I haven't seen one idea mentioned that haunted me at one point:

    There are two preference files that can survive across (re) installations in:

      C:\Users\==you==\AppData\Daz 3D\Carrara 8.5\

    CompPrefs.txt and Preferences.txt

    Perhaps you can move those to a safe place and try Carrara without those settings files? Maybe get rid of the stuff in both 'news' folders in that same location as well?

    If that doesn'thelp, might I meekly suggest trying (yet) another fresh Carrara install, but using the EXE Carrara installer that you would manually download via your DAZ product library web-interface (not DIM), and try installing it in a non-windows-controlled location/folder (e.g. not on C:\Program Files\ or C:\Program Files x86\), even if simply to verify that the folder and contents looked OK and that you weren't fighting windows and its idea of what 'malicious software' might be? - just to see if things 'look right' and if it will start at all? - I would probably do that same clean-up routine you described above (e.g. ccleaner, etc.) before trying the manual installation approach...

    In my context, Carrara will run on both win10 (version just pre-1803) and win7 current. Both x64 machines, have Intel I7 chips, 16G, and modest GT760-class nvidia cards. Drivers are probably current, but I don't 'fine tune' my systems in any special way (auto-update and hope...).

    good luck,


    They were the first things I went looking for and I have already tried the EXE installer numerous times. It is currently installed on my F drive not C so windows is not controlling it as my C is a smaller SSD where as the F is a 4 TB HDD.

    good suggestions.

    I dont know if Dart would have any other suggestions if anyone could contact him to find out as he has not been on here in quite a while.

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,251

    do you have Carrara 8.1 ?

    if so install that just to see if it runs.


  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    No I dont have 8.1. I tried the 8.5 download from 2012 and it does not work either.

  • DesertDudeDesertDude Posts: 1,238

    No I dont have 8.1. I tried the 8.5 download from 2012 and it does not work either.

    I wonder if customer support would be willing to push 8.1 into you downloads? I l know that's a total long shot, but you are a longtime customer obvioulsy having terrible difficulties. This must be extremely frustrating. Sorry I have no other solutions, I'm on a Mac...

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,251

    Yeah, was just thinking if 8.1 works on your machine then the problem more than likely is that database in 8.5


    maybe there is a version 8 demo online somewhere... 

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    FWIW, If it can start at all... Carrara *will* start and run without the postgres database running. It may not see all your content properly, but it will start...

    If the database is a partial cause of your start-up issue, perhaps stopping the database, and renaming the postgres folder to a slightly different name (just for the test... e.g. "postgres.OFF" before starting Carrara may help remove the database as a related issue/problem?

    2 more c,



  • AlbertoAlberto Posts: 1,442

    Try to launch Carrara from a .bat file:

    some like this (change the path if necessary)

         call C:\"Program Files"\"DAZ 3D"\"Carrara8.5"\carrara.exe 

    See if a message appears in the console.



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