DazStudio 4.10 Duplicate Formula Error for Genesis 8 Female?!

I been having this little problem about a month now! I tried to do what they say on this forum: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/22220/duplicate-formulas-error-solved-thank-you-bejaymac and this one: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/158581/duplicate-formulas-found-in-files-fix. But no success at all. I tried to install it again and replacing the files that were causing the problem but no such luck either. Can someone please help me this annoying error? Thank you very much
If you reinstalled the files that were causing the problem without their having been updated with a fix then it wouldn't do anything. Have you checked to see if there is an updated version? Which files are throwing the error? If it's a case of comflicting names then there are actually two products involved, the log will list only one of them.
The files are from 200 Plus Head and Face Morphs for Genesis 8 Female(s) and I did checked if there was an updated version but nothing.
OK, check that you also have the current version of the Rarestone head morphs, if you have that at all.
look for the 'Cheeks Size (Alt).dsf' and rename the dsf extension to anything else. - not .dsf or .duf.- or delete it or move it to a folder outside the data folder. i hope this helps.
At the risk of necro’ing a post, it is very important to notice the difference between Cheeks SIZE and Cheeks SINK. Late night bad droopy eyes will lead to a few hours of fighting with it.
I'm having the same message after saving a morph of mine, it happens when I load Genesis 8 Female.
Any idea of a fix?
This one has driven me crazy from time to time, I've deleted the Cheeks Size (Alt) more than once but have put it back to reload an older file. As an experiment I just exported the base mesh with just this morph, used Morph Loader Advanced to load as a new morph (I added a 2), did adjust rigging to shape being selective about bones (tried to match the list in the original, missed a couple). ERC Freeze and save new morph (uncompressed), then did a diff. Actually wound up doing this twice, the second time using Blender to create a copy by lilmiting the effect of the first morph to the head (as a vertex group), then creating a new morph from the mix. Something is causing the body to alter slightly in DAZ and the first took that morph along, the second filtered that out (this time in adjust rigging to shape I took Lower Jaw, all nose/nasolabial/lip and cheek bones, with just head as influencing on the right).
Was expecting to find some bone duplicated but didn't find it, at this point I deleted the original and saved mine using the same path, just will be under my name in the hard drive morphs folders, but in the hierarchy under Actor/Head/Face/Cheeks and Jaw/Real World/200 Plus... I left the colors grey::
I've also had this happen with my own morph, I think that was when I did ERC Freeze but my morph wasn't the only one currently used... I also recall early on accidentally saving existing morphs to my folder creating duplicates, not sure how I managed that.
I thought this got "fixed", or is it yet another of Zev0's products that a "fix" has failed to materialize for.
Post the "Duplicate Formula" warnings from the log, that way I'll have some idea what I'm dealing with.
PROBLEM SOLVED! You MUST remove all associated files to that product manually. Uninstalling and re-installing do NOT work. You have to remove them manually. Go to three folders where contents are installed, then remove them. Finally, install the product from Daz Manager.