Update scenes containing object/prop/character when origin object/prop/character is changed?

I have a character, equipped with clothing and hair and saved as a scene/scene subset. This exact character with the exact same outfit is in numerous scenes. How do I make it so any change to the original scene/character is applied to each scene when said scene is loaded.

Right now I have to manually go through a gigantic number of scenes to manually update each, or pray that I recognize what scenes needs updating when I get to them.

Yes, I'm aware I could save poses, hairstyles, props, clothing, render settings, environments, custom sculpted morphs, custom cameras, custom render settings, and custom matte settings individually and load every single one each time I want to change anything. That's what I'm doing now and it's horrendous. Not to mention no batch renderer will do this for me so scenes have to be constructed regardless.


  • I don't think there is a way to do this, at least not without writing soem kind of script and even then I'm not quite sure how it might be approached.

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