Problem prepping area for Geograft Xport.

Hey folks,

Trying to bang my head against the wall trying to figure out how to prep an area for GeoGrafting. I will explain my problem by going through my steps.,

- I used the geometry area to highlight the faces that I want for my geograft
- I then hid unselected geometry
- I then deleted hidden geometry
I then noticed that the geometry of my selected cells has changed, and if I bring back in another model the geometry no longer lines up. This is before I even export anything. What am I doing wrong?


  • Probably the figure was still at high resolution - sub-dvision applied to a  (wavy) plane will shrink in, as it has lost its anchoring to the surrounding mesh. For this to work the figure needs to be at base resolution (in the parameters pane, under Mesh Resolution) with no posing or shaping applied.

  • lobdaislobdais Posts: 3

    Is it ever possible to go back to high resolution. If I send to Zbrush in base and send it back its fine, but I want to eventually Geograft it and still have high res.

  • Yes, the GeoGraft can take SubD, but the grafting has to happen at base resolution.

  • lobdaislobdais Posts: 3

    Gotcha thank you.

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