DS4 doesn't recognize my user layout anymore
Hi gang,
I've been pondering where I should ask; here or the getting started forum but eventually figured that this doesn't seem like a beginner issue.
This afternoon I spent quite some time reconfiguring my workspace and I saved my new layout using F4 ("Save layout as.."). Later this afternoon I noticed some nasty malware on my PC (still trying to figure out where this came from) and after letting Hitman Pro* take a whack at it I eventually decided to roll back a restore point which was automatically made at 3am.
I figured my user data should remain save, and it did, but several settings in DS4 still got reset. Including some directories I tried including for experimentation as well as my workspace.
The directories weren't a problem (had to re-add my "3rd party" content library) but the workspace is proving to be a problem...
DS4 no longer recognizes my "Simply optimized" workspace.
I did some checking and eventually discovered this folder: "C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\user layouts" and it still contains my previously saved workspace data: "Simply optimized.dsa" and "Simply optimized.png".
But despite that it doesn't show up in my list of layouts any longer (in DS4 go to: "Windows -> Workspace -> Select layout...").
Could anyone shed some light on this please?
Although somewhat doable I'm not really looking forward to having to configure the whole layout again...
Edit: That's Spybot 'Search & Destroy'. I have no idea where that name came from, but 'Spybot' got rid of the malware for me.
Ok, so I shouldn't be trying to solve this kind of thing on an empty stomach :P
I finally started thinking this over and as such simply saved my current layout to see what happened. Now I ended up with 3 files as well as several directories. The file I mentioned above (*.dsa) turns out to be a script file ("DAZ script"). However; more files are needed. As mentioned; the new layout also has an .dsx file which turned out to be some sort of XML file which seems to define the actual layout.
And there's more; there are also several new folders which also contain .dsx files.
So I can only conclude that something went wrong when I saved my layout this afternoon, possibly due to the malware I discovered later today.
Alas; time to re-create the layout again. I suppose it's for the better anyway, because when I saved it this afternoon I was also working on some more adult based sceneries. And since DS4 makes a screenshot of the workspace the moment you save your layout I suppose it could only have been picked up in the wrong way ;)
Having said that; it's truly amazing to see how much you can customize your working space. I removed 2 actions (render & lights/camera) and put the camera and lights windows together with the 'Pose & Animate' action because those two go hand in hand in my opinion. And I created a new "advanced" activity which uses a different background colour for the viewport and provides me with direct access to stuff like the shader builder, script IDE and the figure setup.
Oh well, if at first you don't succeed...