C8P/Hex Street Scene Builders I need some advice
I made a pretty nice older office building a few years back in Hexagon 2. Now that I have the time I would like to use it a scene with V4/M5 but I some advice how to make the Sideways/Curbs/Driveways and making realistic looking grass & brick shaders that looks from a distance and close-up.
I have tried using a green 2 tone noise shader for my grass & it just looks like that a noisy green shader.
When you start building a scene with a street/curb where do you normally start, with street (road) or the sidewalk/yard?
For the grass, have you considered either using Dynamic Hair as grass or using a replicator to add vertex grass? Both can use the shading domain to drive the placement/distribution.
Here's something I'm working on for the Paradise Lost/Found challenge. I used dynamic hair for the grass and a color gradient green shader for where the hair is growing and the same color gradient in the tip channel of the hair's color shader. I'll post a screen shot of the shader tree as well as the hair settings.
I'm very particular about that sort of thing. When I buy a scene piece from the store, I do this same sort of thing with it, right away - set it up for how "I" want to use it in most of my production needs. If I need to move it around so that what I want to be 'zero' is at 0x, 0y, 0z, in Carrara, I do that right away before I start working on the shaders and adding lights.
Just two cents from here.
Yo, EP...
Love the advice. Love it!