Camera Stereo Lens Parameters ?


The included possibility to do stereoscopic shots with one camera setting by using the "Lens Stereo Offset" is a nice feature.
So far ...

But I noticed that the parallaxe automatically couples to the Focal Distance (if DOF set to "ON").
For a lot of sets I have the necessity to have different distances for the parallaxe crossing point and focal distance.

How to do?


  • KNDKND Posts: 65

    I havent used the feature so i wouldn't know.

    But you can create stereoscopics and anaglyphs without the feature. The basic idea is having two images with a slight difference in horizontal perspective.

    1) Create a null and place it in the center of your object

    2) Parent the camera to the null

    3) Render two different images by rotating the null just a tiny bit (or animate the rotation and render a short sequence)

    4) Bring the images into your image editor of choice and make your stereoscopic image or anaglyph.

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438

    Hi KND,

    for the stereo purpose in general I created a freebee years ago.  -->
    It was originally for 3DL, but can also be used with iRay, if removing the included distant light.

    But since DAZ 4.10 a stereo option is included in the "normal" camera, my question was, why parallaxe and focal distance are coupled. It would be very useful to manipulate both parameters seperately !

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