aLilSideChallenge #04: theme - Plethora de Plinths

aLilSideChallenge #04: theme -
Plinthary Plethora de Plinths
-a heavy base supporting a statue
Whoo doesnt love their superhero on a plinth?
or dragon, or big rig truck like Big Bill
use something pre-fabbed or make your own with
Carrara primitives, model something,
shrink down a terrain
5$ DAZ GC prize + 100 DA points
will start a separate thread for entries & open vote
challenge deadline 16th Sept 2018
da rulez, 

no post work,
rendered in Carrara,
plugins okay
new render or rework an old
if you'd like to enter a 360 ani of your plintharried subject, hosting from the tubes okay
if you want to enter ani gif, hosting from another site okay
enter as many entries as you want.
I could put a plinth on a plinth
Something like this?
good one!
great idea :)
Love the disco dance pose !!!!!
It was actually just a take-off of this Futurama scene from "A Pharaoh to Remember".
May the plinth be with you.
Credit to VYUsur for the figure.
I should rename it the Spline Plinth.
Great start, makes a nice Yoda, needs some grey hair around the ears.
Ted, he is sooo cute! Love everything: clothing, textures and pose.
Veronika, the figure is very easy to work with. Thank you for generously sharing.
Appreciate the comments, Veronika and Bunyip. For some reason, the robe did not fall open during the VWD drape. I liked the result so I kept it. You are right. Should have added some wispy Carrara hair around the ears.
awesome start to LilSideChallenge.. I must get this little guy from @Vyusur downloaded
@de3an Bender got me hunting for my model of Robbie from a challenge long gone by... and finally got to use a prop I bought years ago lol
snow globe?!!
Cool Robby. One of my favorite bots from one of my favorite movies.
for this one I used the model from the site listed in this topic
and used that prop again to stand on
Love the seagull !!!
a bit of plinth fun
Monstahs gonna get ya.....
Get away you !
Stezza and Bunyip, excellent and humorous. You've got me in the mood for some doggies. Here is a low res dog model I've been working on.
dogs and monstahs.... awesome .. great model @diomede , got me thinking about the dog on the tucker box
and then shrimp....
Nice Doggie, cross between a Labrador and a Poodle ?
Thats going to make a lot of Calamari when they get it on-board !!!!! Nice action scene.
Was going to do another humorous render but went serious instead. Can't have a plinth challenge without a swordsman. (Although Yoda with a light-saber would have qualified.)
Edit: Did a bit of a change on the statue figure
@bunyip I did a similar scene using Harpsburg and then I seen yours..
Who Put Watson the Pug on the Plinth?