camera presets and Octane

this has me puzzled

Stonemason's Willow creek was the culprit in this case loading camera presets

but I am wondering in general what could be stored in a camera preset that makes all cameras even user added not work in Octane render?

a new scene with one's own camera works fine

but loading that preset makes any camera unuseable in Octane, the preview camera still works

without knowing what to look for I am lost, presumably a new feature added since my OrDS2 plugin and it affects any other cameras


  • Loading a preset will, by default, delete any existing cameras - which would certainly stop them from working in Octane. You can hold down cmd/ctrl when loading the preset and then use the dialogue to choose to keep existing cameras; you should be able to set a preferred option and apply it by holding down shift but this isn't working.

    The same applies to lights.

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