Iclone anim to Daz - no root motion?

Sorry if this has been asked before.

When I import an animation from I clone via 3dxchange I have found that there is no root motion, meaning that x,y,z positioning and rotation are not present. The figure being a G3F clone, and hip selected for import, therefore no root motion?

Because of this, if the figure was walking and then bending, say from right to left it just stays in the original zero position, but the animation on the rest of the figure seems ok.

Is this my fault and I am doing something wrong or is there a workaround??



  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    First are you using Daz studio 4.10 or higher?
    any earlier version will not import a Genesis 3 BVH correclty period.

    Second May I assume you are previewing the animation in 3DX after retargeting 
    and "adding it to perform"??

    And May I assume that you are selecting the Hip NOT root node in the BVH export Dialog from 3DXchange?

  • Hi

    I’m using 4.10 (and 4.11 beta)

    All seems fine in preview mode, and incidentally in another BVH viewer program

    And yes – I am exporting the BVH from the hip

    The required (non-root) motion is all there, but, as an example, a figure exported in a crouch appears floating above ground in Daz, or a walking sequence will not “roll” hips properly or walk along a path -it just stays in the 0,0,0 position in Daz

    Frankly I’m baffled

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837


    Frankly I’m baffled

    Indeed  previewing it in a separate BVH viewer was going to be my next suggestion
    I am afraid I  too am  stumped..Sorry mate.blush

  • wolf359 said:

    First are you using Daz studio 4.10 or higher?
    any earlier version will not import a Genesis 3 BVH correclty period.

    Not entirely true, as I recall from previous discussions. However, the 4.10 did make it work better without user-intervention.

  • I'll agree that its way better than previously - but still a bit off yet.

    If there was some improvements with the Daz animation tools (properly locking limbs for example) the need for outside tools like maya, iclone etc would be minimised.

    Combine that with a decent BVH and other format import functions, then Daz studio would absolutely dominate, in MHO.










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  • I'll agree that its way better than previously - but still a bit off yet.

    If there was some improvements with the Daz animation tools (properly locking limbs for example) the need for outside tools like maya, iclone etc would be minimised.

    Combine that with a decent BVH and other format import functions, then Daz studio would absolutely dominate, in MHO.










  • I had similar problems and there was an export setting on the iclone side I was screwing up, like changing to root motion and turning off any pins or ik when importing to dazh. Try about half way into this video and double check your settings, and check the iclone manual from the iclone help menu. whenever I've had similar problems one those two resources helped me catch some button I didn't have right.
  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    "Not entirely true, as I recall from previous discussions"

    Yes ...entirely true..angel
    until 4.10 The Daz Studio BVH importer would not properly apply a genesis 3 BVH created with the genesis 3 rig in  Reallusion Iclone Pro or Autodesk motionbuilder

    All moot now of course, because Ironicly We had the option of retargeting, Externally created Motion, to genesis 3 natively within Daz studio
    from Day one of the G3 release
    By first Applying the motion to the Great genesis one and saving as duf.


    Yet even Daz  obviously did not know this about their own Figure.cheeky

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