Does cropping a scene speed up Render Times?

I am doing a scene in the city so I only left what was visible in the render "visible" everything else was turned off. Should I have deleted all the rest from the scene instead? I have an older computer and I am upgrading in six weeks so I am trying any cheat I can to take the burden off my old CPU until then. Does this help or am I chasing a rabbit? I know deleting the stuff helps in load time but does turning it off have the same effect for a render or does it need it deleted to have an effect?

PS~I already got educated on how LIE's work so it isn't them.



  • Turning the visibility off will stop an item being sent to the renderer, though it will still be using memory in DS itself.

  • Thanks Richard, I guess my next question then would be does the renderer look at the entire setting then take in the scene thats framed? So if 4 city blocks are visible yet not in the actual render does it slow the render down or is everything outside the render area ignored? Light cast from a distance is taken into the render is why I ask.

  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    Your use of the term "cropping" brings up an important point. Though I don't think you meant it as zooming in,  that's the LAST thing you want to do to speed up rendering, especially with human characters. The closer you get the more detail will be in the render, and the longer it will take. 

    All the scene elements influence the others when it comes to ray bouncing. If you don't care that the bulding behind the camera doesn't show up in reflections in windows, make the joint hidden and it will save an incremental amount of time. But just know it's all the little details that make a rendered image look realistic. You have to balance rendering speed with whatever level of realism you're going after.

    For big city scenes try reducing trhe Max Path Length in the Optimizing panel in the Render tab. It's normally set to -1, which means "infinite" -- rays bounce as much as they need to in order to satisfy an internal algorithm in Iray. Set it to maybe 3 or 4 and see if that helps.

  • Thank you Tobor for your comment, it was like a class, I will be re~reading it for a while. I didn't mean zooming in though I did not realize the detail point you made. Advice taken and thanks again. I am off to explore Max Path length.

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