dForce and transparency

When simulating a dForce item against a static item that has a transparency map, does dForce take into account the transparency?  Or does it simulate against the static item's mesh without regard for transparency?


  • It still "sees" the mesh, just as if you set it to wireframe view.

    dForce has Matrix Vision lol

    However, if the object is Hidden, dForce will ignore it.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    You can set a (whole) material zone/surface to be unaffacted by dForce, which may not be the effect you are after, but may help.

  • rames44rames44 Posts: 332

    Thanks.  I wasn't actually trying to use transparency in a simulation - I was trying to explain some issues I was having with one simulation, and wanted to make sure that that wasn't what was going on.

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