Halloween Beer Party: Waste Some Time Here, Hah, ha

For those of you with time to waste, hah, ha .... no, just kidding .... challenge the moderators with "drunk talk"

800 x 600 - 34K

800 x 600 - 36K
Post edited by Retro Lad on
halloween candy !!
Pumpkin soup - yummie !!!!
remembers someone made candy corns?
the season is nigh!
nigh i tell yas
time to look for my witchie hat avie
Octoberfest? "Gettin Stinko"
they did the mash , the munster mash
"Hulk" ... "smash"
Mad Monster Party - you don't get invited, you get committed.
Don't want to bury the lead.
Frank N Furter
pics from the old Universal Studio Horror film, "The Ghost of Frankenstein"
You rrrang?!
only 2 days of summer left.
Halloween season in 2 days. camdy and goth make up
pandas are goths?
where the halloween freebies?
That's Lurch, but where is Cousin It?
Autumn in 2 days? That means I will have to start wearing socks again. It is getting chilly late in the evening now.
Ha, ha, the title and posts of this thread have been replaced. Still fun.
to the issue of using Carrara for Halloween-related projects, I was just going to say that the Rankin/Bass movie Mad Monster Party was a large part of the inspiration for the femme fatale that I modeled/rigged for the Film Noir challenge.
Compare the lead female claymation figure in Mad Monster Party to the lead character in my entries for that monthly challenge.
if someone wanted to do the head in a jar, then I refer to Selina’s recent tutorial on glass shaders. Could be done easily
here is another example of my custom model/rig femme fatale inspired by the claymation female lead in Mad Monster Party.
I dunno ...........
I could get wasted after some time at a Halloween beer party ......
Stezza I think skulling them down might have a cheerier meaning than that!
nice render though albeit dark as F
lookin for my halloween hat avie.
Rendered in Daz Studio
I love the sound effects! Another great one, Ivy. In case you haven't seen it, that site that sounds like monstrosity is having a halloween animation contest.
Thanks Diomede, I already have a animation for that contest ready since June..lol I'm just going to wait awhile until other people start posting their submissions before i upload mine
how cool is that...
Butter Beer!
Cell phone photos from the Daz Pub. Any of you in the photos, hah, hah, ha (burp) ....
Thanks it was fun to do
Since Halloween is the theme, I just completed an animated promo for a Reader's Theatre my theatre group is staging in conjunction with a local library. We will be presenting a selection from Mary Shelly's, Frankenstein, in honor of the two hundredth anniversary of its publication. Completely animated and rendered in Carrara.

Forgive the compression. Oddly enough, it looks better on Facebook.
Good job evilproducer,
Reminds me of Roger Corman Poe film intro. Just a suggestion, but I would add Colin Clive's crazy voice saying loudly, "It's Alive!, It's Alive" and then we see the face and the eye open.
Since this is a video promo for my theatre group, I wanted to make sure there was nothing in there that would constitute a copyright violation.
Extremely cool, EP. Love the way the sound and the effects support the whole mood.