Octane Render 4.00 for Carrara

Downloaded and installed without a hitch. Well just a minor "hitch", Octane needed to download a nessecary component, but that went without a hitch. Out of the box first render of a V4 .... very fast. Need to test with a more complex scene, but it's 3 am. Oh, what the heck, I can sleep when I die.
Yes, would be interested in details!
Are you using the Octane 3 plugin for Carrara? I have been waiting for the updates to Octane 4 and plugins availabliltiy, but have not seen any updates recently.
I think you need to be a registered user to be able to download the version 4 plugin for carrara
How much is it?
This is a Test version, comes with a 120 license which will expire, so it's free for now. If you go over to the Carrara forum on Otoy, you'll see Sighman's post about it right at the top, and that's apparently the download link for the Carrara plugin with some notes on it too (no other posts added there yet, looks like Sighman made the first post just yesterday). Thanks ProPose for cluing us in to this, very exciting! I was very stoked to see the example videos of what Octane 4 could do some time ago, especially AI lighting and Denoisier funtions look incredible, very glad to see Sighman is as awesome as usual (if a little quiet about it) and now a test version to play with, Christmas came early! :)
As I understand it, Octane 4 is free for anyone who is already licensed for a lower version, but I have no idea where to go to download the base program of Octane 4 as I don't see it in my official Ocatane downloads section, and I'm going to assume we have to also have Octane 4 installed before the Carrara plugin for Octane 4 is going to be able to do anything lol. Any tips on where to go and how you were able to install it all, ProPose?
Edit: Oh wait, I see there's actually a link from the Carrara download forum post to another forum post elsewhere on the Otoy forums that leads to Octane 4 standalone downloads for the latest of the standalone too. Guess I should put on my 'brave shoes' and start downloading if I want to see it in action :)
Jonstark lives! Welcome back.
Thanks for the headsup ProPose
Lol got me to come out of lurker mode. :) Real life has been brutal lately, haven't had much time for fun sadly.
yes Real Life is often sh*^t. That's why they invented alternatives - like Carrara. Hope things work out for you.
Sometimes one door shuts and another one opens....
Still trying out different scenes, sadly,nothing to share cause most of my is really not worth sharing. My stuff is crap compared to the stuff I see posted. Having a problem with the denoiser, crashes carrara, but it's also quite likely that I'm doing something wrong. So, sorry Selina, nothing to show yet.
As I understood it will be free for anyone, already licensed or not, if your computer has max 2 GPUs.
Something I'm not sure, since there are two parts (the "standalone" and the plugin), is if both will be free or only the standalone.
Anyone know i there's another way to download all the Octane Live DB, rather than one by one?
Well, it doesn't stay downloaded n i cant find where it goes
I'm using C8.5 beta and Octane 4 for Carrara. with a scene loaded (or just a basic primitive). Open the Octane render window to gain access to the OctaneRender for Carrara Settings. That'a where you find the Octane Live DB. Click on download for any shader, once downloaded that Apply prompt appears. If you click Apply, the shader sould be applied to the selected object in the scene. The shader itself is downloaded and stored in the shader Tab, but it is not saved. So if you close Carrara now the shader will be lost. To save the shader, navigate to the Shader Tab of the Content Browser and simply drag the downloaded shader from the scene shaders tab into you content Sader Tab.
I did it that way
applied each shader in turn to a sphere and then dragged the shader below to the browser
Would be nice if one could download all the available shaders in one go as a zip file
I am still using 2 as well as 3, simply because 2 is on my version of Carrara with most my content 3 is on my sparser beta, I often reopen scenes in 3 though.
Good news.
i was wondering why V4 wasnt displayed on my download page until i've found out it wasnt released yet, but it's strange that you can update from V3 to V4 before it was released.
Just wondering if i've got this right.
V4 is for free if you already have V3?
Last time i was upgrading was from V2 to V3 but didnt knew that i have to purchase as i could normally download V3 without upgrading the licence, hopefully they won't be a price on it later to be able to use it.
Anyway, it seems to be that i have to fix my render computer to be able to use it again for all my 3D stuff, it's off now for a long time and i only have left my Lenovo ThinkPad W510 with Carrara but without Octane so far but i think 2x GTX560ti OC are a bit better than 1 Quadro FX880M for Octane.
It seems Octane 4 is now officially released.
I have successfully upgraded my v3 license to v4 (both the standalone and the plugin), for free !
My license page correctly displays v4 but when I try to download the v4 doesn't show yet. They say it can take up to 24 hours so I'll just try again tomorrow.
i've downloaded both yesterday but haven't installed it yet as i still would like to use it on my render pc, not on notebook as the licence also runs on my render pc
Upgraded and working well!!!! Carrara is alive and well!