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This seems a very interesting effect. It makes toons fairly easily, and I think the background also are pretty cool for a comic background generator. You have to avoid shadow generation wtih the main character as the filter will pick these up. I can't see shadows very well on my monitor, but you will notice them in the final version like this...if you don't eliminate them during the brush masking phase.
Yeah, I admit, I'm kind of addicted. I'll be playing with this for a while.
Me too, it really looks great vectored.
Boyd and Owen at the beach (Again). Hah.
Owen offers to play one of the virtual reality games Boyd enjoyed as a teenager. Boyd didn't recall it being this cheesy back then. But, seeing Owen in his underwear is a plus.
A fit for Vladamir 8 was spotted recently. Could be either a vamp, or another Ivan character.
Ahh, that makes sense. Although, I never could get into all that undead stuff, so here's hoping it's an Ivan character.
But, then again, going by the number of QA spelling errors, it may be a typo and should've been Victoria 8
I liked vampires way back in the day before they became popular. Now that everyone's a vampire and werewolf I haven't touched that particular fantasy in years.
Aurora Bot for Genesis 3 Female seems to be gone from the store. But I masculinized her using the Transgender morphs made by AgentUnawares, Nalin, and some other morphs to try to reduce her chest pieces. I think I did a pretty good job of making a male bot-Boyd. Unfortunately straight on, I will need to use photoshop or a shirt, or something to hide the chest area. There are unsightly creases there.
Boyd tends to prefer robotic drone bodies as they are much more efficient in combat, less easily damaged and have better visual capacities. Plus he can FLY which is his fantasy as he had a big thing for superman as a child.
As a early transplant he is much more versatile, and not limited to bipedal bodies like many people who transfer in after they are mature. Boyd is most inclined to drive whatever body is most likely to get the results he wants for whatever mission he's on, and that occasionally means a bipedal body like this one.
Owen orders takeout and Boyd helps him pick it up.
Normally, Owen is the healthy eater and Boyd is the junk food king, but here it looks like Owen is indulging.
Ohansi, is super cool... Check him out. He's got on the Jeans outfit for genesis 3 males.
Phx Ohanzi for Genesis 8 Male
Owen doesn't actually tan, but, well, I wanted to test out this product. I think it looks great! It's Wet & Tanned Skins for Genesis 8 Males...
On the topic off Female clothing suitable for men, here is Girl Gear for Genesis 8 female, with some textures from the expansion by Shaana's Soulmate. Undies are by Dzheng. The belt did prove to be the only problem here, but you can remove it using opacity settings.
Ah, I can see I need to fix the necklace. Will do that tomorrow.
Thar clothing looks good. Owen probably tans red so it'd be hard pressed to notice anyway.
Nice, modern rendering of Ohanzi!
I needed to manually adjut the tag on the necklace, but otherwise it autfit nicely. Those undies look good paired with the set. And I'm quite mesmerized by Owen's arm's in the one where he's wearing the skull t-shirt.
Looks like Boyd's doing some indulging, too.
Owen being fair, is a subject of amusement in the barracks with the other sergeants. He's used to it. This is uncommon in the future where people in general are quite a bit tanner. Boyd likes his fair skin though.
I will fix it in a re-render. It was quite late and I work the early shift so did not immeadiatly notice the clipping there. Owen does have a nice degree of buffness. Boyd tends to get the attention, but Owen is quite fit for a regular human, and its the result of hard work, not, bio-engineering as in Boyd's case.
The undies are from Dzheng. They are DZ UnderGear Set for Genesis and the fit to genesis 8- for the underwear at least is pretty great. I love all of DZ's stuff. I'm sorry to see that they have stopped making new content.
Well, Boyd doesn't get to do much but stare at Owen most of the time, given his bodies are mostly just giant eyeballs. The opportunity to do a bit more, is probably difficult to resist. =-) Besides, its an Alpha's job to protect his Prime, and vice versa!
One of the things the Alphas tend not to get a lot of is human touch. They have analogs of most of the senses, sight, hearing, smell, and they can genuinely taste with their tongues... But touch proves problematic, since they don't have ways to feel inside their various drone vehicles. And if a brain is actually feeling pain, it is likely because the brain is actually injured which is not good.
scientists do invent an analog though. They can feel things through their Primes via the chips inserted in the prime's temple (the chips both owen and Boyd share) and so things Owen can feel, so can Boyd. They also can learn things their Primes know how to do quite quickly. So things Owen is good at Boyd learns fast, just like any other brain.
So Boyd may not be a combat veteran like Owen, but because of being Owen's prime, he shares a lot of his experience. In some ways, one of the disturbing powers of the alpha guild is the abiltity to be a brain for a different body, so oddly he is able to live a bit more via his connection to Owen.
Speaking of Dzheng, I must mention again how nice his/their/her clothing is. Even though this set is made for genesis, if fits genesis 8 male well with autofit. And there are a number of great morphs. It recolors well with Iray shaders too... So you can achieve a variety of movements and styles. And these are genesis outfits. Nice for a genesis product.
New Pose set is almost available now on my downloads page. Enjoy:
This pose set was made by my friend Phoenix1966 for the Dark Raven Bike... for V4. It excellent after all this time. Don't worry, no frenchies were hurt in the creation of this picture.
Owen tests out some new Genesis male clothing by Dzheng. Boyd has gotten a metallic upgrade, and Owen apparently has gotten something in his flipflop. Boyd is trying to figure out how he can be of assistence, or checking Owen out, or possibly both.
Nice, I like the metallic Boyd, I guess that only works when you have a full 360 degree environment like the HDRI. That pose for Owen look very well done, too.
What's the other thing being reflected on Boyd, just above Owen?
I think those are boyd's sensors. Hmm. It is called a 'scanner hatch' When I recolored him, I wasn't entirely sure what to use, since some items aren't really obvious what they are.
Boyd is really a recon model. He has some weaponry, but his big deal is he has tractor beams which he uses as hands and some lasers. He uses the beams to also protect Owen. His look will change over time, as he gets better rides.
Boyd is tiny, big enough to hold his brain, his valuable biology, and his tongue, and some weapons. He is much more versatile and fast than larger brains but only lightly armed. This changes too over time, as Boyd becomes closer to Owen, he tends to want larger and more powerful vehicles.
Owen has props from the Manhattan detective set. Really like them.
Caleb looks like Boyd, but has Owen's eyes, and his grandmother's hair.
No, just messing around with growing up, to see what Owen & Boyd's child might look like.
I had some spare time this wekeend, so, I worked on more poses. These are all about M8, getting dressed. You may have to stretch your imagination a bit, or be a dforce pro to actually get M8 clothing with sufficient morphs to pull it off..., but not my problem! =-) Hey, but a least if you are a lumberjack the buttons will be on the right side. =-)