Official Release of Carrara 8.5 **Update -**



  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,099
    edited August 2013

    actually it cost me $196.40 AUD :long:

    P.s. I’m seeing the $85.50 price when I go to the Shopping Cart page, not the drop down, just to be clear. That’s always the case for programmatic discounts like this. Although it does sound like some number of folks got ‘missed’. Some of those prolly own it through other sources, and may not have an entry in their product history for it, but for others I bet the DB check just isn’t right for some reason.

    I'm seeing $171 as well and am in the PC club and own Carrara 8.0 PRO.
    Everybody's probably asleep in Daz land.

    Be nice to get the price sorted though.

    Post edited by Headwax on
  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    guess they might have run out of serial number for now -
    if so you will have to wait until they come in today .

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,236
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    actually it cost me $196.40 AUD :long:

    P.s. I’m seeing the $85.50 price when I go to the Shopping Cart page, not the drop down, just to be clear. That’s always the case for programmatic discounts like this. Although it does sound like some number of folks got ‘missed’. Some of those prolly own it through other sources, and may not have an entry in their product history for it, but for others I bet the DB check just isn’t right for some reason.

    I'm seeing $171 as well and am in the PC club and own Carrara 8.0 PRO.
    Everybody's probably asleep in Daz land.

    Be nice to get the price sorted though.

    same here... :-/

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,099
    edited December 1969

    Maybe it's just for Ozzies to t each us for not being Merry Cans as Wendy says

  • DisparateDreamerDisparateDreamer Posts: 2,514
    edited December 1969

    Well guess I missed out on the beta....damn it.

    But no way can pay for $171, or $85.
    That's freaking steep price for a .5 upgrade.
    Stuck with 8.... does genesis work in 8? :S

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,099
    edited August 2013

    ahh here is the reason for the price mixup ,

    from the other thread

    Cypherfox said:
    Yeah, I know this sounds bad, but just don't buy anything in the first 30 minutes after DAZ Midnight, unless you're REALLY certain the error is on your side. Because there's always an error. New items 404 for the first 5-15 minutes, prices fluctuate as the database updates and the cached pages get pushed out to their CDN, different simultaneous sales conflict, and sometimes someone honestly mistyped the sale formula.

    It's a mess for the first half hour most of the time. It's not even DAZ's fault. Well, if they were less aggressive with sales it might be easier, but I doubt most folks would be happy at that, either. :)

    -- Morgan

    never knew that, that explains a few theories I have had, it's all related to daz time being different to the rest of time :)

    Post edited by Headwax on
  • Ghosty12Ghosty12 Posts: 2,065
    edited August 2013

    I just put it in my cart and when going to payout I am seeing it at $85 US and saying that PC is saving me $57 US which is interesting since my PC sub expired months ago.. Have to resub my PC so can get Carrara 8.5 Pro at the lower price..

    Will have to wait by the looks and will miss out on the promo price of Carrara since not going to have the cash to get it. :(

    Post edited by Ghosty12 on
  • DisparateDreamerDisparateDreamer Posts: 2,514
    edited December 1969

    ghosty12 said:
    I just put it in my cart and when going to payout I am seeing it at $85 US and saying that PC is saving me $57 US which is interesting since my PC sub expired months ago.. Have to resub my PC so can get Carrara 8.5 Pro at the lower price..

    85 IS the lowest price. If you can afford it get it now.

    It's too high for me, even with those discounts.

    I too thought that 8.5 would be a free upgrade at least to 8 pro owners. :(

  • edited December 1969

    I have 8 Pro, I add 8.5 to the card and it comes up as 171 USD. My 8 Pro was a free upgrade from 7 as I bought 7 about a week before the release of 8. However, I assume this should still qualify??

    I would say however that even 85.50 for what is nothing more, for me anyway, than a bug fix release is actually pretty shocking. I won't be using most of the new features so It's pretty harsh.

  • edited December 1969

    Also, I just noticed my C7 to C8 Pro upgrade serial number has been made inactive too. What's that about? It would certainly explain the higher price.

  • AeonicBAeonicB Posts: 166
    edited August 2013

    No way. Plus, no discount shows up for me, though I have C6 Pro. I just get the 285 dollar price.

    I'd love to upgrade to you, Carrara, but I'd have to starve for months to do so. :(

    Post edited by AeonicB on
  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,185
    edited December 1969

    As near as I can tell, those of us getting the $171 price are people who upgraded to 8.0 Pro from 7.0 (or earlier) -- $171 is the PC 40% off the $285 price. The C8.0 Pro Upgrade is apparently not triggering the 50% cut.

  • AeonicBAeonicB Posts: 166
    edited December 1969

    Actually, my Carrara 6 Pro s/n has disappeared. AGAIN. I just checked for laughs, on my account page, and I'm not seeing it. It disappeared last time after DAZ updated their site last year...

    This is getting frustrating, fast.

  • FURBFURB Posts: 29
    edited December 1969

    namffuak said:
    As near as I can tell, those of us getting the $171 price are people who upgraded to 8.0 Pro from 7.0 (or earlier) -- $171 is the PC 40% off the $285 price. The C8.0 Pro Upgrade is apparently not triggering the 50% cut.

    Yep, just looked in the cart then and that's what I'm getting as well.

  • MeskdaviMeskdavi Posts: 25
    edited December 1969

    If the upgrade version doesn't trigger discount then it's just another example of a company punishing loyal customers. So I hope this is just a glitch that will be remedied.

  • MarchioniMarchioni Posts: 2
    edited December 1969

    I made a few Assembly Instructions and Catalogue graphics for a Company with Carrara 5 - 8 (using it since version 3)...I don't work for them anymore so i will wait as long as possible til the price is alright for me.I also use Modo so i can wait a long time or completely stick to Modo.
    The price is to high for a 8.5 upgrade and Carrara 8..... is still good enough to make Images and Models.

    Have all a great week!

  • tezentezen Posts: 0
    edited December 1969


    ... I own C8pro (in my account) and want to update/upgrade it. But it seems that there will be no 50%-discount for C8pro-Upgrade-owners so that I should pay 171$ even with a platinum-club-membership! Please correct it - thanks...


  • Jeff KirklandJeff Kirkland Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hmmm... I upgraded from 7 pro to 8 pro and so my cart says $171... as much as I was burned by the DAZ Studio drop to free I'll still upgrade to Carrara 8.5. If they let me have it for $85 that is.

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969


    meskdavi said:
    If the upgrade version doesn't trigger discount then it's just another example of a company punishing loyal customers. So I hope this is just a glitch that will be remedied.
    It's not malice. They probably have a list of SKUs they entered as, 'If they have any of these, give them the 50% discount', and they missed a SKU or two. (Or mis-typed; who knows, maybe a morphing python owner is wondering why he's getting a 50% discount. :) n.b. I have no idea what the 8.0 upgrade SKU was, so I picked something ludicrous...)

    Report it as a bug, and pricing is available for a while yet. It helps no-one to jump to 'punishing loyal customers' out of the gate.

    -- Morgan

  • MicioDueMicioDue Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    ncamp said:
    MicioDue said:
    $171 for me too, equals to $285 special price - 40% Platinum Club discount. I'm a previous Carrara 8 Pro owner so I should expect another 50% discount for upgrading, right?

    I got charged $171 as well. I've Carrara Pro and the upgrades since version 6. I wonder if the people who purchased 8 got the discount and the people who upgraded to 8 didn't (different database entry)?

    In any case, I sent a ticket to sales support. I'll let them figure it out.


    Yes, my version 8 is an upgrade too. No hurry, I'll wait for a fix to e-commerce engine.

    Carrara 8.5 for $85... is it a joke? ;)

  • zgockzgock Posts: 23
    edited December 1969

    Hmm... seems too expensive for me. I can't get it soon.

    Pocket money of the month is my 15th day of every month.
    (It becomes 16 days to think in US issues of the time difference)
    It is not time for 2 week offer

    Maybe YAToon cannnot support 8.5(cos I cannot get 8.5).


  • mrposermrposer Posts: 1,131
    edited December 1969

    I am sure the upgrade price will get fixed so I am not worried. I will wait to Labor day to see if DAZ has some special then that will work with the Carrara upgrade and also if Smith Micro has Poser Pro 2014 upgrade on sale for Labor day then I will have to decide which I want more.

  • SonofbelmontSonofbelmont Posts: 147
    edited August 2013

    I was pretty satisfied with the price but overall 8.5's release has still been kind of disappointing for me
    I was hoping for a few changes to make animating Genesis easier but so far I see no tremendous improvement.
    Can some one tell me if Fenrics ERC plugin will work with this release? I remember hearing several of his Plugins would not work with the beta and want to know whether that has changed for the final.

    Post edited by Sonofbelmont on
  • FURBFURB Posts: 29
    edited December 1969

    MrPoser said:
    I am sure the upgrade price will get fixed so I am not worried. I will wait to Labor day to see if DAZ has some special then that will work with the Carrara upgrade and also if Smith Micro has Poser Pro 2014 upgrade on sale for Labor day then I will have to decide which I want more.

    What date is that in the USA?

  • DimensionTheoryDimensionTheory Posts: 434
    edited December 1969

    KJA79A said:
    Are the ONLY differences between the Carrara Standard & Pro versions the included M5 and V5 bundles, or is there core functionality differences between the two as well?

    The original post only mentions the difference of the included M5/V5 bundles and the Carrara product page currently gives a 404 error:

    The bundles don't appear to be the only difference, I purchased the "non-PRO" version and noticed it only came in 32-bit flavors like previous "Standard" versions.

  • AeonicBAeonicB Posts: 166
    edited December 1969

    FURB said:
    MrPoser said:
    I am sure the upgrade price will get fixed so I am not worried. I will wait to Labor day to see if DAZ has some special then that will work with the Carrara upgrade and also if Smith Micro has Poser Pro 2014 upgrade on sale for Labor day then I will have to decide which I want more.

    What date is that in the USA?

    September 1st :)

  • elephantboy90elephantboy90 Posts: 10
    edited December 1969

    $107 for me (with the 3 month PC membership). Quite disappointed that it was this much given the relatively small number of enhancements. On the other hand, although I am using Modo much more these days, I still love the simplicty of Carrar and find it hard to "break away"! So just bought it it in the hope that version 9 might be a bigger step forward.

  • namretteknamrettek Posts: 168
    edited December 1969

    DAZ_jared said:
    acanthis said:
    strobl said:
    Regardless, thats one hefty upgrade fee o_o.

    Indeed. Over $85 for the Pro version in fact! I don't want to get hung up on version numbers but that price might be justified by a 9.0 release ... but a .5 upgrade?

    I'm not convinced.

    If you look at the feature list, and the included content the price is very reasonable.

    Not when you already own the pro bundles. And it's 137 without the platinum club.

  • araneldonaraneldon Posts: 712
    edited August 2013

    IIRC the DSON plugin for Poser was free for a limited time, so both Poser and DS users have had a chance to get Genesis support for free. As a Carrara user I feel so very special right now ;)

    As I already have the M5 and V5 Pro bundles, this price is unacceptable.

    Edit to add that the price I see may or may not be correct; I have exactly zero in interest in troubleshooting your store. You could simply tell me what the prices are supposed to be.

    Edited again to add that I expected to see the price in the newsletter and/or the promo page in the store, but apparently it is spelled out in the first post of this thread. 85.5 plus the cost of PC membership is still too much considering the circumstances.

    Post edited by araneldon on
  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977
    edited August 2013 I have C 8 and I joined Platinum for the 3 months. Now I get new prices:

    If I buy C8.5 it's showing a price of $89.97 if I buy C8.5 PRO it shows $171

    Is this going to change per all your discussions or is this "it" ???

    Cheers, Silene

    ETA Is it only me or is it really difficult to get Carrara products to show up in the shop? I seem to have to search in all kinds of weird ways to find stuff for it, eg knowing Dartanbeck can get me to his Enviro Kits, but shouldn't you just be able to put Carrara in the search slot and the producs dedicated to it come up????

    Post edited by SileneUK on
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