Objects floating on an Ocean?

I found that I can use a Surface Replicator to float objects on an ocean and animate them.
But if I do that I can't control, very easily, where the objects are placed.
I guess I missed the feature that allows me to link an object with a surface or other animated object and have them move together.
Is there a physics feature or something else that allows me to float an object - like a boat - on an ocean realistically?

1920 x 1080 - 256K
I found a realistic way to float an object.
The problem is to control the depth at which the object floats.
One solution is to put an object inside the "boat" which is set at the proper depth, and then apply physics to that object.
The boat is linked to the floater.
Animate the physics and the boat will settle until the floater is colliding with the ocean mesh. The floater will be driven by the waves and the boat will follow.
This is actually more realistic, in the case of small objects, because it will animate rotations, which the surface replicator will not.
The surface replicator objects move up and down in Z with the ocean but do not move around or rotate.
The red icosa has a small sphere inside at it's center which is set with physics to collide. So it collides with the ocean.
The blue balls are the surface replicated objects. The left one is the prototype and the one to the right is the surface bound one.
Here's the video.
Oddly enough, we can't share CAR or ZIPs of CAR files here. Seems very strange to not be able to share stuff.
Maybe I'll go put them somewhere else and link them here.
you might like the Carrara plugin " Orca Ocean "
Not brilliant but you can float objects that will rock n roll with waves whilst moving if you keyframe the transit.
You can post .zip files at the Carrara Cafe forums (you'll need to register to post):
There's also some nice examples of Carrara artwork by some fine Carrara artists in the showcases. You can also set up your own galleries.
Using a replicator and distribution map, you could kind of control where the boats would be placed. I like your other method better and will have to try it out when I get time. Great idea!
this is a test Idid a longtime ago using Brian's Orca ocean.
excuse the actor he's not very good LOL
Hi :D
Hope someone can help?
I just purchased this plugin (late I know) but there is a problem..
After clearing the paypal process the email went to my junk box (no big issue there) BUT, after finding the email and clicking on the download link I now find that the website and download link do NOT work and I can not get access to the plugin I just paid for :(
I have tried to contact Brian via twitter & through his Youtube channel but if anyone knows him, could you please ask him to contact me with a working download link? I can provide proof of purchase etc to him via email if he provides a working email I can use to contact him? thanks guys & gals ;)
Ooseven -
That caught my interest, but as Orion_UK mentions above, the site seems to be dead.
I'm not sure it would help with the question at hand, but I like PhilW's "Realistic Seas For Carrara":
More here:
Ooseven -
That caught my interest, but as Orion_UK mentions above, the site seems to be dead.
I'm not sure it would help with the question at hand, but I like PhilW's "Realistic Seas For Carrara":
More here:
Sadly not Steve but thanks ;)
Quote " Intended for static scenes only - water surfaces are not animated."
windyplayer - cool effect using physics!
I just did a quick test using the Track Modifier.
Using a single sphere replicated on the ocean surface, I gave the sphere a Track Modifier and set it to track a Target Helper Object in both X and Y (and rotation). It seemed to work okay, bobbing up and down with the waves, following right along.
video here:
( Edited to add video link.)
Yes, I agree it may not fit your need. But I did take a shot at *some* animation with "Realistic Seas For Carrara" (at ~1:20):
Just did a bit of web searching and it appears the site brianocra.com is run from his home Linux Server which is not up 24/7.
He says if you can't connect try again later.
Hope that helps
Thanks Eyesee ;)
I have heard back from Brian this morning thanks, seems his server was having issues that he needed to fix, anyway, he kindly sent me the files needed and has fixed both his website & the server so people should still be able to order from this point on.
Am off to go play with my new toy now but thanks to everyone for their replys :D
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