Keyboard navigation...affect mouse and tablet speed..fantastic!

wscottartwscottart Posts: 442
edited September 2018 in Daz Studio Discussion

I've always been extremely fustrated trying to move around in the stage on Daz Studio. It is actually the number one reason I avoid working in Daz. Imagine my delight upon stumbling upon the right bracket key (mac) and seeing the command line adjust the movement speed. Its the simple things that make an interface great.  That may have been around for awhile, but I just stumbled upon it and believe me I cranked that thing up to 50 and it has greatly improved my satisfaction at moving around in the world of Daz Studio. By the way I navigate and work soley with a wacom tablet and pen. I know a proper mouse would be useful, but I'm old fashioned and love the feel of a pen in my hand.

As I ponder this today, I actually can not remember ever crossing this useful documented feature in any video.

Why is the aim button not included on the viewport window? That would help me a lot as well.

Now If I can just never forget this little nugget of information, my use of Daz Studio should exponentially increase.


Post edited by wscottart on


  • The controls in the top-right cormer of the viewport are multi-function, if you hover the pointer over them they will show tool-tips. For Aim, right-click the Frame icon.

  • I know working just with the view controls in the upper corner to navigate the 3D scene can be very slow and frustrating over time. Great you found the Brackets I don't even know where to find them on my foreign non US keyboard layout - must be something like Alt+8-9. BTW until I made this Navigation Guide I never know about how to use Aim At Selection by default Ctrl+Shift+A.

    In this picture I tried to show every place where to find all the controls and how to change them. Once I set the Mouse Button Modifier shortcuts the way I wanted them navigating the 3D space has become a thing I don't have to think about anymore while doing. However the shortcuts at the bottom left are just suggestions.

    How to Customize Daz Studio - to speed up Workflow!? [WIP]

  • The trouble I've run into is when I bump the keyboard (or think I'm typing on a Shader Tag or another screen's window) and start moving the camera around via keyboard shortcuts.  For whatever reason, they're immune to the Undo command, and it putts me crazy.  (Maybe it would drive me crazy if I wasn't already fairly near that rabbit-hole anyway.)

  • @ Eustace Scrubb

    The behaviour that you can ony type into text boxes like the filter box on top of some panes if the mouse cursor is over that box and it looses focus if you are only slightly off is a big bummer I know, this happens to me almost everytime.

    Press Shift+K to deactivate the Keyboard Navigation so at least the Viewport set to Persepective, Camera or Ortocarpic view dosn't change if you press a letter like WASDQEIJKLUO. The Mouse still needs to be over the text box to type something. The Keyboard Navigation keeps turned off between DazStudio sessions. If you have a Camera view selected in the Viewport you can undo those changes.

    If you want to use the Keyboard Navigation from time to time but you want to see if its currently on or off just add it to some tool bar like in the screenshot. To do that open the Customize dialogue and drag the Keyboard Navigation (you see it highlighted in the navigation guide) from the left action list to the right side and drop it into some Tool Bar. BTW the most useful so called toggle action on my tool bar is the Parent Items In Place.


  • I really deserve a *Lama here, All this time I stumble around in these forums reading and ocassionally posting. Then I get lost and never revisit a post. I just ran across this posting  once again today. Those charts will be useful as I continue to forge along still feeling like a newbie, but finding satisfaction with every discovery. I've began using a trackball and scroll wheel mouse in addition to my wacom tablet. That has really improved the ability to move around in scenes.

    Solution: If you're gonna play in 3d get a proper mouse.

    *Lama - what exactly is a Lama over at Dev anyway. =) in my case it seems appropriate as I'm slow to catch on.

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