Keyboard shortcuts - where are you?
I am so in the habit of using the delete key on my computer to remove items from the scene list, and CTRL-Z when I realize I've just done something I shouldn't do, like accidentally rotate something . . . Suddenly I have to right click and "remove item from scene" or Edit/undo. Did I accidentally change a setting or has there been a secret update that has removed these functions? I was hoping that after a night's rest, everything would magically be ok but alas, it was not to be.
Is this DAZ Studio, and if so, are you using the new Beta? If not, when did it stop working?
You can set shortcuts in Edit > Customize (F3)
It stopped working a couple of days ago. I am not using the new beta version; I am using the latest 4.6 version of DS.
If you're using a custom workspace make sure you save it (Window->Workspace->Save Layout As) then try doing a Window->Workspace->Select Workspace and selecting something different. Then try going back to your custom or your preferred if you didn't have a custom.
I've noticed that sometimes the system seems to lose things and bouncing the layout seems to fix it.
If someone knows of an easier/faster way to do this I'd be interested in knowing it.
Appreciate the ideas; I don't use a custom layout really but I'll switch things around and see what happens. What's a little more frustration? :)
If you don't use a custom layout just switch to one of the other built in layouts and then switch back and see if that fixes it.
That worked. Thank you!!!