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I know. He took them all down for some crazy reason. Just wrong. Speaking of... Daz also took down all of the Carrara videos from their channel too, including the cool 2008 promo reel. I have all of the Carrara ones downloaded, so I can watch them, but I doubt they'd let me put them back up on my channel.
yeah i grabbed the old demo reel just in time. a few are still there, but they set to not public, a direct link still works.
bunches of useful video tutts are gone.
yeah, wouldn't re upload them, but nothing to say we ca n't recreate our own versios of those old features highlights.
yeah they have given us some pretty clear messages there
sadly I have been playing outside of Carrara more and more too, not abandoning by any means but expanding my horizons
fortunately they keep making it difficult for me to use DAZ studio with their releases that go to CPU on iray rendering animations so I don't load that for anymore than to export stuff
The new Plushies kitties today are far toooo tempting. Has anyone tried any of the Plushies 2.0 in Carrara? If they work bald, I don't mind added fuzz. I'm a complete suckers for all things cat. Our two current indoor cats started out a neighbourhood strays, lol.
Gotcha. Well, I'm always trying to be more optimistic than to take that as "A Message". I took it more as that they're trying to make their channel easier on their main, general public. Many Boss-type people in charge of giving orders will demand such things these days, and then the web folks have no choice. But it might have nothing to do with "Hey, lets ban Carrara". I know... Mr. Optimism here! LOL
Due to lack of development I have also kinda looked around at expanding my horizons - mainly just as a protection kind of thing. But I always end up telling myself to stop wasting time and get back to what I love doing - which is launching Carrara and getting back to work. I love that.
Being the poor-boy that I am, I actually feel lucky that it's not on a crazed development cycle - even though I'd welcome that too. If they release an update... I'm buying it. That's just how it is - how it's been. I felt bad for folks that resisted the 8.5 Pro upgrade because that upgrade gave me a whole slew of things I've been asking them for - including Genesis support. When they opened the public beta, first thing I did was to start working with Genesis and buying all of the shapes, costumes and hair that I could and started reporting my discoveries. Spooky and I became pretty tight there.
But I'm in a position where I don't really need an update for anything. Genesis 8 compatibility would certainly get me spending again, because I think I only own whatevver they've given away for free so far - not much. I bought a few Genesis 3 things but when they seemed to stop development on Carrara, I dropped that idea too.
I'm happy with my Genesis 1 and 2 and Gen X2 along with the wealth of Generation 4 and stand-alone figures I have now. I would switch to the new if I could, but I have to be able to stay in Carrara to do it. I love Daz Studio. I really do. But not as a replacement.
If Carrara suddenly stopped working, and there was no (solid) future hope for it, I'd likely switch to Blender that same day.
I have been using UE4 a lot lately but nothing replaces Carrara for modelling for me
I have absolutely no clue about UE4. Game engine, that's all I know.
the Australia fires is on the news here. (here is long island),
praying some rain your way
it's bad in Sydney about 150km north of me
check out the live web cam of the harbour .. you can just see the bridge but not the opera house and it's coming up to midday!
edit to add... no rain forcast for rest of year..
this must be the old particle emitter thread.
cripeman has a screenshot in his tutorial
no luck in wayback machine
is soo totally devastating that thread is gonners
threads are vanishing everywhere let alone whole forums worth
I am very confused
just a repeated question I already replied to but its a new thread so not game to reply again in case I triggered them into a clubbing
I was just querying about threads disappearing and whole forums? We still have everything that has been moved out of the forums and I don't see anything which would confirm your statement. And certainly no forums have disappeared since the New set up started back in 2012 with the exception of the Non Daz Commercial forum, and even that one went back in 2013.
the forum before the previous one that used to be accessible
sometimes still is in parts via the wayback machine but not searcheable
checking negative under light bulg not doing what i imagined it would.. thought it would cast white shadow.
So you are going back 6 years or so, not talking about what is happening now.
It absorbs light.
in regards to that part of the statement yes, all of DT's particle tutorials and countless other stuff was lost forever
the other bit is a mystery as a thread I replied to vanished and to my knowledge nothing odd was posted at least at the point I joined the conversation and a new one asking the same question started, I am just not going to post anything in it this time
Hey Misty, if you haven't already go to the 3DXTRACT E-Zine thread and download the collection. In 04 - FEB2004 (pg 11) is a great article by Andrew Turner about Physics. Physics 1 and Physics 2. Physics 2 steps through the process of using Point Force to cause swarming behaviors of little icosahedrons to a larger one, then using physics to have their swarming push the larger one around.
Taking these concepts deeper is, I think, what Dimension Theory did to create his amazing animations - forces and physics.
Clever lighting finishes off the effect - Uplighting static collider objects, setting the swarming objects to glow and either adding a light to them or using indirect lighting to cause them to emit what they glow, etc., etc.,
...and then add some other forces (and carefully control them) to really get things artistically animated! Note that forces work opposite their designed intention when fed negative values. This is really powerful, fun, and intense!
On that note, now open the next issue (05 - MAR2004) and check out Robert McGlade's article, Introduction to Physics (pg 4), where he explains the forces in detail, then gives us a tutorial on how to use them to make a star ship take off vertically, turn in mid-air, and fly away - then come back, turn, and land, all using forces and physics!
If what I said makes your head hurt, don't worry and don't be put off. I have stayed away from most physics other than some simple particles for most of my journey so far. After reading this stuff, it doesn't get more complicated - it becomes more clear!
These articles were written for Carrara 3 so it's cool to see how powerful Carrara was back then. Reading more and more tutorials from there helps to eventually show some real, major differences. I love Carrara 8.5 Pro!!! There's all sorts of tutorials from really good teachers in those e-zines. They also come with the download bonus files for each magazine, but not all of them will open in Carrara 8.5, unless I was doing something wrong (trying to load the finished version of that star ship simulation! LOL), but they give instructions anyway.
Hope this helps
Includes tutorials, tips, articles from some of Carrara's Greats!!!
Hmnpf! I'm pretty sure that some of DT's stuff, like these two, are using indirect light only. Sometimes it might be particles emitted, other times it might just be physics and forces, other times it might be combinations of them.
Essence of Irradiance
Light as Substance
I think that these definitely use point force and other forces. I remember a tip where we can use the standard replicator to construct shapes from a bunch of smaller objects and then convert to real instances to make something that will fall apart during physics simulations, but to have them NOT explode immediately, we have to set the cell size in the replicator very slightly larger than the actual small objects being replicated to create a small gap - or they blast apart in the first frame.
When he goes from a cube shape that falls apart and the pieces form a sphere, I'm fairly certain that's a Point Force. But I'm a total physics newbie! ;)
...and in this one, I'm pretty sure he's got something with PyCloid going on. Again... needs further investigation/experimentation
Dust in the Wind
Frederick Ribble has toiled away and brought to us the wonderful PyCarrara and PyCloid. With his permission, I've compiled a playlist of his brief and wonderful demo videos. Enjoy!
Here's the first video in the list, just as a teaser
With all respect, f1oat3d, I love you man!
I do believe two meshes were used changing visibility for some such as the one I recall with Vicky walking then crumbling to dust.
I also recall DT deleted all her shading domains on the particle emitter mesh.
It is similar to what Alberto did with FLUIDOS but with particles.
still trying to do that sphere to dust was experimenting with the spawn and spawn of spawn
That's why I was thinking about this. Point force can hold dust into a sphere, then just release the pressure and it should just fall apart. Or blow away if you use wind.
Dart, the link to the zip file on his blog via the DS forum link gives a 404 error now and I could not find it on his site. I have it myself from when it came to our attention back then, so am lucky. But it seems to be gone... unless it's my dodgy eyeballs?